Computer Engineering

Hi, I’m a junior in high school from New Jersey and Virginia Tech is one of my top choice schools, I want to know if my stats are good enough for VT so please chance me :slight_smile:

Intended Major: Computer Engineering
SAT: 2300
Weighted GPA: 4.75
Unweighted: 3.86
AP’s this year: AP World / AP English / AP Government & US Politics
Senior Coarse Load (Next Year): AP Calculus AB / AP Physics B / AP Computer Science / AP Environmental science / French 3 / Honors English / Honors Computer Science Principles 1 & 2

Volunteer Hours : 200 + hours in community mostly related to engineering things like helping in a program which teaches middle schools girls how to program

In school activities:
MU ALPHA THETA (leader ship position)
National Honor Society
Science League
Key Club
Student council
Ambassador Club
French Club

Also a very big question: what are some good engineering schools for computer engineering graduate students ? Because when I checked MIT website they give a phd for “electrical engineering and Computer science” and I want to major in computer engineering alone. So please if you know comment !

And please please chance me and i promise I’ll chance back !!! :slight_smile:

I like your stats for VT - good chance for admission. Great job in high school.

Not sure about the graduate school question.

No one can predict admission decisions with certainty but I would expect VT Admissions to be very interested in you.