<p>I just ordered a new Macbook pro. I'm going to have a HDTV in my room at school and I want to be able to connect my laptop to it. So I could buy apple's mini displayport to hdmi adapter and then buy a hdmi cable, but that would probably end up costing me like $60. I'm wondering if anyone knows if something like this .. </p>
<p>.. would work? It seems like it would work but its from hong kong so I donno lol. Anyway, anyone know any cheaper alternative to the over priced apple adapter? Also, the new macbooks have audio output through the minidisplay port so the adapter has to support audio too.</p>
<p>Be careful. No, seriously.
I first bought the cables off of Monoprice for $20 max, thought I got a great deal.
Well…No. They didn’t work. You gotta make sure your HDMI cable is quality. The ones sold on the Apple store I guarantee work, I ended up getting them after I wasted time with cheap ones.
They have sound too…but I find that to be somewhat on-off.</p>