Computer Science and Engineering

<p>I’m going to be starting as a CSE major this September and was just curious as to how the CSE Major compares to the Computer Science Major or the Computer Engineering Major.</p>

<p>First off, would you say CSE has equal amounts of CS and CE, or does it lean more towards one or the other?</p>

<p>Second, how in depth do you go into CS and CE as a CSE major? I like to think that it is better to know one subject really well and in depth than to know just a little bit of two subjects; would you say that the difference in depth is large enough for something like that to be taken into consideration? Another way of looking at it is how would a CSE major compare to a CS and CE double major?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any responses. I tried this post on the UCI page but didn’t get any responses, so I though I would try it here on the general UC page seeing that some of the other UC’s have the CSE major too.</p>

<p>At least at Davis:</p>

<p>CS is software-focused.
CSE focuses more on the interaction between software and hardware.
CE is hardware-focused.</p>

<p>The main differences between the CS and CSE major class-wise here are: A few engineering classes (one general, the rest EE/CE) that are required of CSE but not CS; requiring a year of physics and a quarter of chem, rather than being allowed to choose just a year of chem (or two quarters and one quarter biology); and some CS classes that are required for CSE but are electives for CS. Besides that, the fact that it’s in the College of Engineering rather than Letters and Science changes unit requirements for CSE.</p>

<p>The differences between CE and CSE class-wise: CE has more required electrical engineering classes with fewer required CS classes than CSE.</p>

<p>Obviously it could be way different at Irvine, but hopefully this answers some of your questions.</p>