Computer Science at William & Mary


<p>I have been accepted to William an Mary but now I am contemplating my major. I know that William and Mary has a very strong liberal arts and humanities program but how is Computer Science at this school? I am fairly new to the subject so I believe the small professor to student ratio would be a great environment to learn in. My other options are Virginia Tech, which is known as a great engineering school in my region, and James Madison. However they are fairly large schools and I understand that many students already have experience with programming going into their classes.</p>

<p>As far as rankings go, Virginia Tech is ranked at 40 (but top 15 for electrical/computer engineering I believe) and William and Mary's program is around 70, but does the difference matter much? Would an employer prefer a student from Virginia Tech moreso than William and Mary for a programming related job?</p>

<p>Thank you for any help.</p>

<p>Anyone have any thoughts? Iā€™m currently making pretty much the same decision as OP (VT vs W&M).</p>

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