I have spent the last seven hours researching, and yet still can’t quite come to a decision. Hoping someone here could give me some more information on each of the schools in the title.
Things that matter to me:
*Location (Clearly Cal Poly imo)
*Ability to get a job after graduation. Cal Poly is reputed as preparing you the best for a job right after college, but I think Purdue has a much better reputation everywhere but the West coast and even internationally. Will I have trouble finding a job on the east coast if I go to Poly? Emory has the best reputation overall, but its engineering department: not so much. NE is in the middle.
*Ability to get into grad school (I want to get an MBA)- not sure about which one is better for this
*Ability to graduate in 4 years: I’ve heard at NE it’s next to impossible to graduate in 4 years because of co-op. Cal Poly is an impacted school.
*Difficulty- I will work hard and believe I am smart enough to get an okay GPA at most schools. However I also do not want to be up till 1am on Friday nights studying.
*Fun (Wayyy less important than everything else above, but still holds some value)
*Money is not an issue
I really like Cal Poly’s learn by doing philosophy and smaller class sizes, however all the other schools on this list have a better reputation outside of Cali. Most people at my parents’ jobs and my friends don’t even know what Poly is (I live in NJ).