Computer Science Letter of Rec

I’m currently a high school senior and I plan on applying as a computer science major. Several colleges list under their requirements that they require one rec letter from a math or science teacher (looking specifically at Cornell University). I’m planning on asking my APUSH teacher for a letter and my AP Computer Science A teacher for a letter. Would a computer science rec letter count as a “math or science”?

If computer science does indeed count as a “math or science,” what section would it fall under for the common app? Math, science or other? If I put other, will they think I’m not fulfilling the math/science teacher requirement?


Bruh just put it under science. You’ll be fine:)

I think it depends on whether your high school counts AP Computer Science A as math or science. Here, the high schools count it as a math class.

Agree you should look at where computer science is categorized in your HS. In our HS CS is considered part of the math department and the teacher is a math teacher.