Computer Science minor?

<p>At the moment, I'm a Telecommunication Media Studies major, but after some advice from my computer science teacher I'm thinking about maybe switching to Computer Science. I don't want to change my major again though just in case CompSci is full & I end up with a major I don't want at all. Is it possible to start with a Computer Science minor, & then if I fully decide to switch to a major at the end of a semester it'd be easier that way? If this makes sense ha. Thanks!</p>

<p>computer science is in college of engineering…which is in process of reviewing admissions for the last few slots. Switching majors here requires a formal process, so you will need to look into the requirements for Computer Science. I believe unless you have lots of incoming credits, it will take you longer than a semester before you would be eligible to apply to switch. Ironically, when you apply as an academic/auto admit you just toggle a switch to change to many majors so it does give you a false sense of how hard/easy it is to change majors. Also, if you declare a minor (one of mine is doing this), you have to follow through so many people wait until they are 100% sure of their path before declaring ( it is not reversible we have been told ). Here’s a link for the minor requirements & contact info. [The</a> Department of Computer Science and Engineering at TAMU Undergraduate Program Overview](<a href=“Computer Science and Engineering | Texas A&M University Engineering”>Computer Science and Engineering | Texas A&M University Engineering) good luck!</p>