Computer Science or Information Systems with Econ double major

<p>Hello everyone so I am deciding between Computer Science or Information Systems.</p>

<p>Currently I am a BBS Computer Science major and have done well in the programming classes. The reason the degree is a BBS is so that students won't have to take the math courses if they don't want to. But I am kind of missing the business course I took my first few semesters and was considering changing to the BBA in Information Systems. After I graduate with my bachelors I will continue my education with a MBA that my university offers because I want to end up in management over a team or a area of a company. </p>

<p>But I have heard that the Information Systems degree is looked down on or that if you don't want to major in CS or CE then don't major in tech at all. So I was wondering if anyone has any experience to say if this is true or not or in your experience does the degree really matter or more of the drive of the individual towards their field.</p>

<p>Either degree allows me to double major in economics and I want to do that because I also enjoy economics and feel that it would help me in a management type position.</p>

<p>Thank you very much -- T</p>

<p>If you’re up for the work, I’d go with computer science.</p>

<p>You can pick up any of the information system skills on the job or quickly. I know a lot of MIS majors at my school. It’s basically a business degree with a few programming classes thrown in. It would work long-term, but getting a job right out of college would be more limiting.</p>

<p>If you know for sure that like computers/tech, stick with computer science.</p>

<p>Doubling in economics could be difficult depending on prereqs, but it would work. I am a business economics major. The classes are interesting. Just be prepared for a lot of schoolwork.</p>

<p>Computer science is one the best degrees you can get. You can do anything with it, including anything information systems could.</p>