computer science phd

<p>I am worried about applying to phd for computer science.</p>

<p>My verbal: 149
My quantitative: 163
My writing: 4.0</p>

<p>I would like to apply to best schools as possible but the school websites say they want verbal score: "153".</p>

<p>I don't have research experience. I worked 3 years as Java programmer.</p>

<p>I will graduate from USC (master of computer science) soon. My current GPA is 3.83.</p>

<p>(Suppose I look at US news ranking for computer sci.) Even if I look at schools from rank 11 downwards, they say minimum GRE verbal should be "153" to be considered in their programs.</p>

<p>Should I still apply for these schools which say we need "153" for verbal? I have a feeling that just about every good schools have this requirement.</p>

<p>(My recommendation is average.)</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Since you already are getting a masters, the most important aspect of choosing a Ph.D. program is the research you want to do. Go out and look at the web sites of various departments and faculty and see what is exciting to you. Then you can start worrying about whether you meet their criteria for admission. I have to say that your verbal score is going to be an impediment to getting into one of the more selective programs. Your quantitative is better but the fact that you have little research experience and an average recommendation is going to hinder you too.</p>

<p>If you are determined to get a Ph.D. you may have to look lower down in the rankings but that is OK as long as you have an interesting project and an advisor who will be able to write you a good letter of reference for a job afterward.</p>

<p>Why do you want a phD? Isn’t a MS enough?</p>

<p>There are many reasons why I would like to get phd but I would like not to discuss it now because it can generate a long debate and right now I need to get my phd application package ready asap. Thanks.</p>

<p>Please don’t reply this post now. I will decide by myself what to do with phd application. Thanks.</p>