Computer Science Program?

I am a high school senior with the desire of majoring in computer science. What is the computer science program like? How big are the classes? What is the female to male student ratio?

My son just graduated from SU and started out his freshman year as a comp sci major. I think the largest number of students he had in a CS class was maybe 14, so mostly they are small classes. That’s true for a lot of classes at Southwestern though. He ended up switching to a different major.

He had a few buddies from high school who went to UT and majored in comp sci; as they were comparing notes over a semester, it turns out that a one-semester course at SU basically was a two-semester course at UT, so in one semester, he covered twice the material of his buddies at UT.

The professors all have office hours where you can go for additional help and there is a CS lab where upperclassmen can help you with the lower-level courses. It was a hard major and, truthfully, I don’t think my son was really ready for that. Just take advantage of the office hours and lab help.