Computer Science Questions....HELP!!

I read somewhere something like UW’s CS department does not offer on campus jobs and the students have to apply through Business department or Engineering department?

Also I couldn’t find the average computer science starting salaries anywhere on the website. Anybody got any idea?

They offer IT job opportunities, with a majority being through DoIT.

@wroblewskij And do you know about the average starting salaries?

Are you asking about a student job on campus or full-time work after graduation?

@Madison85‌ Full time, after graduation.

Not sure what you’re referring to when you say “on campus jobs” if you’re not talking about student jobs. There are research and teaching opportunities, but those positions are for those with advanced degrees.

As far as typical jobs after graduation, there’s this:

Most students with only a bachelors degree will not find university jobs. Remember there are teaching and research assistants in grad school programs who will be doing major related work. If you choose to stay in Madison with a computer science major you need to check out private employers. A major company is Epic, an electronic medical records national company with over 4000 or 5000 employees. Epic often hires new UW grads.

Epic has over 8000 employees.

By on campus I meant normal jobs in job fair…(sorry for the confusion)…and do anybody know about the average starting salaries for the CS major…couldn’t find it anywhere on their website…

Starting salaries will be good, but if I’m being honest, you should not decide your major (rest of your life) based on average salary data. Pick something that you truly enjoy and that will be your unending salary!

Agree with not being concerned with post college jobs and salaries at this point. If you have concerns look at the CS grad school rankings- UW is right up there. Life is NOT all about money. CS happens to pay well now and national jobs are out there for UW grads. You will need to consider lifestyle when you eventually job hunt. Silicon Valley/Seattle both have pros and cons if you choose to be in the biggest tech areas. Remember the tech industry will be very computer based. Look at Glass Door for info on CS jobs. You also would be doing online job searches and not just in person job fair recruiting for computer industry jobs.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, btw. ie- you need to still want the major and do well in it before you get a job. Don’t forget major firms, including Epic of Madison, recruit overseas, including India.