Computer Science Transfer Requirements

<p>I'm looking to apply to CSU and UC schools, but am looking for some guidance as far as transfer requirements. I am currently at PCC (Pasadena City College) and my top pick is UC Irvine, UCLA, and if I don't get into either of those I will try for CSUNorthridge or maybe a handful of other schools...</p>

<p>Its hard to get an appointment with a counselor because its the end of the semester and such, so I'd figure I'd ask here.</p>

<p>All of the sites I've seen say that this major (Computer Science) may not be well served by the IGETC and GE Breadth Plans. </p>

<p>What are the requirements for transferring as a CS major besides the high level of math and computer science requirements. Is it recommended to take the GE class'? Or what do they mean by this major is not well served by the IGETC and GE breadth plans?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any help :-)</p>

<p>[ASSIST</a> Report: PASADENA 08-09 UCLA Articulation Agreement by Major](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>

<p>It’s going to be very difficult to finish all your GE and pre-req courses within 2 years, that’s what they mean when they say “may not be well served by the IGETC.” What those schools are recommending is that you focus on finishing your math, physics, and CS series instead. (But of course, still take GE courses) Seeing as you want to transfer to both CSU’s and UC’s, it might serve you well to do this.</p>

<p>I personally chose to do both my pre-reqs while trying to complete my IGETC (for a transfer agreement). I’m in my third year at a CC and a couple courses shy of completing all my pre-reqs, but finished the IGETC… just to give you an idea of how long it will take.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that if you plan on signing a transfer agreement with any schools, a lot of the contracts require you to finish your IGETC prior to transferring. But if you don’t, definitely focus on your math, physics, and CS courses.</p>