Computer Science vs. Civil Engineering?

Hi, I’m currently a civil engineering student but am considering to become a Computer Science Major. I don’t know much computer programming and such, but it seems like much more interesting subject. Civil is good too, it’s just that I see myself better in jobs that require a CS degree such as Systems Manager, Database Manager etc. A business/computer field is much more interested in what I want to do, but I also want to graduate with a STEM major. Is CS really one of the hardest majors due to it’s nature and depth into mathematics? What will give me better opportunities in life later on? My engineering professor keeps talking about how in 10-15 years, most engineers in any field are engineer managers and are raking out nearly $200K a year. I don’t care so much about that, but rather have a satisfying job with good pay .


I have undergrad degrees in CE and CS and grad degrees in CS and IE.

First off, most engineers aren’t managers and most managers aren’t making $200k. Database Management and Systems are IT jobs, not CS per se (my wife is IT - Information Technology). A business/computer field has long hours looking into mundane details of SAP, LDAP, and many acronyms. CE is more ‘hands on’ in that you work on stuff that is more tangible. There’s also the outsourcing issue.

A practicing CE in their 50s is common. A practicing (writing code) person in their 50’s is not very common. In CE especially if you’re a PE you’re good for a while. In CS, it’s a lot more work to stay current.