computer science vs computer engineering

<p>I cant decided which one to choose.
1) Which major is more difficult?</p>

<p>2) Which major has more variety when it comes to looking for jobs?</p>

<p>3) Which major has a better job outlook?</p>

<p>4) Is it true that these majors always have trouble looking for jobs upon graduation due to the competitions out in the market?</p>

<p>5) If my GPA is high(as in like idk..3.5+?), would my chances of getting a job increase?</p>

<p>Both fields are somewhat volatile as the job market goes up and down. Here’s a detailed report on Comp Eng recruiting–Placement>90%. </p>

<p><a href=“Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison”>Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison;

<p>Companies recruiting</p>

<p><a href=“Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison”>Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison;

<p>CS recruiting at COE Office</p>

<p><a href=“Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison”>Engineering Career Services – College of Engineering – UW–Madison;

<p>You don’t need to decide until later, after you have had a chance to take some courses. Son did an Honors math major and some comp sci courses then added more to add that as a second major. Excellent job prospects as a software developer/engineer- job titles depend on company. You will start off with math, possibly physics and comp sci courses plus courses to meet university breadth requirements your freshman year. That gives you plenty of time to figure out which direction to go. You will know which aspect of the field most appeals to you once you have experience in college.</p>

<p>Short answer- wait to decide until you take some courses. Some recruiters value math degrees as well so if that is your favorite do not discount that as a major for jobs.</p>

<p>NEVER base your decision on which is easier/more difficult- that varies with the individual. ALWAYS make decisions based on what seems best for YOU, not what outside parties think.</p>

<p>thank you guys </p>