Computer Science VS Computer Science (Game)

Is there a huge difference if one pursues a major in CS and CS(games)? I checked the major pre-requirements for both major and noticed some class differences. CS(games) seems to require less class to get in, while CS requires more classes, such as chemistry,bio, Cal III, and etc. I’m interested in CS(games) because it’s more game oriented towards the major, but if I decided not to code games and pursue something else, would I still have the knowledge a regular CS major would have? And if I pursue the regular CS major, will I have the knowledge to code a well developed game like the person with a CS(game) major? Also how are these two majors viewed from a job perspective point of view? Is one major superior than the other or is it roughly the same?

Thank you, and I appreciate any answers.

My son is a Sophomore CS Games major. Many of the courses are identical to a traditional CS major with several exceptions (e.g., he only has to take math through linear algebra). He also takes a bunch of courses in the Cinematic Arts college. CS Games is not ABET certified but I have heard that it does not matters. Employers are looking for the core courses which overlap between the two. In the case of CS Games employers are also looking for a portfolio.

This question has been asked before on CC. Checkout the Math/CS majors forum. The folks there are very knowledgable.