Computer Science vs other engineering majors

<p>Hi! I was wondering, for those with friends in it, are in it, double majoring, or going for a 2nd degree, how does computer science compare to other engineering majors in terms of difficulty? </p>

<p>Of course, the physics, engineering, and math courses will stay the same throughout so there's not discrepancy there. </p>

<p>How likely am I to be weeded out if I aced AP compsci and like it a lot? How does it compare?</p>

<p>Difficulty is relative. </p>

<p>I’m a junior in computer science and I personally find all my CS courses to be not too difficult. Getting an A maybe difficult, but a B is easily attainable if you actually study and do the work early enough. </p>

<p>With that said, some of my closest friends are mechanical engineering majors and swear up and down that one of their most difficult classes was a freshman level CS course. Go figure. </p>

<p>Nobody can tell you how well you’ll do in CS until you get here. Just start your programs early and prepare for the amount of math required.</p>