<p>i'm now a senior...but i haven't taken many APs/honors classes. this is because, strange as it seems, my parents don't let me take more than 2 APs/honors each year. they think i'll get too stressed out so they tell me to only limit my honors classes to what i am interested in. mext year, however, i managed to convince my parents to take 4 APs and one honors class. this was definitely more stressful than any advanced class of mine. i know that rigor of courseload is important in admissions, and i was wondering if my lack of honors/APs would negatively impact my chances of getting into U of C. </p>
<p>i do very well in my advanced classes and enjoy them the most. in my AP lang class i was one of 4 of both classes to receive an A for the class. we had major grade deflation because of a 13 point scale system in which nobody (i'm not exaggerating) got a 13 ever.</p>
<p>in my regular classes i get A+s and, rarely, plain A's. My GPA is good...and i'm in the top 10% at a very competive public high school.</p>
<p>also, i am heavily involved in art and have taken 2 art classes every year, including one honors class. i'm considered one of the best artists in my grade.
i know chicago is really into creativity and intellectualism...i have both. i may not appear to be as much of an intellectual in school because of the courses, but i am one of the most intellectual among my friends, who are all top 5% and in all APs and honors.</p>
<p>is it possible to get in, based on the essays in my situation? do you know of anyone else who had few APs and honors but got accepted?</p>
<p>I'm going to let you in on a little secret, being that I work in admissions (the PR side, though, so I won't be reading your app):</p>
<p>The essay is the most important part of your application. I had a C in precalculus, didn't take math or a hard science senior year, and still got in. Granted, I had A's in all my writing classes, but still--my GPA was probably about a 3.0 until my senior year (we didn't tabulate). The essay is your opportunity to show who YOU are, why you want the U of C, and why the U of C should take you. There are scores of schools you could go to with your grades, so why UChicago? It's a school for the intellectually curious, not just high acheivers. Often there's an overlap, but the former is always more important than the latter.</p>
<p>As for AP's, they help, but aren't a big deal. They're more helpful once you get to school and you can get elective, core science, and language credit.</p>
<p>"my parents don't let me take more than 2 APs/honors each year"</p>
<p>I've never run into this one before, and I don't know if its better talking about it in your app or not talking about it. My inclination would be for you to call your regional admissions officer, explain the situation, and simply ask it Chicago would like to know about it in your submission. Typically, these personal factors should be handled in the GC rec but if you chat with your admissions person, he or she may have a better suggestion.</p>
<p>thank you all so much for your advice and reassurance. i feel a lot better now about my chances. also, i talked to my neighbor, who is an alumnus of U of C, and he said that they will focus more on the individual than on their high school classes. all this has really helped boost my confidence. thanks again.</p>