Concerned with EA Results for CS OOS

I applied to several oos cs schools early like UT Austin, UMass, Purdue, GeorgiaTech, UMD, UIUC, and others and have been pretty surprised with the results:

UT Austin: Reject
UMass: Waitlist
Purdue: Deferred
GeorgiaTech: Reject
UMD: Reject
UIUC CS+X: Reject

I have decent stats: 3.81 UW, 1530 (800 M, 730 RW), pretty good ec’s and national awards, I know CS is very competitive and given that I have no acceptances in the early round, I’m getting worried for my regulars. Is it my average gpa that’s hurting me (got a B in ap chemistry and ap spanish both semesters of junior year) or is it just the sheer competitiveness of CS? I’m hoping for the best for my regulars and UC’s, but would appreciate any insight on my chances for Ivy’s/T20’s given these results as well as the UC’s.

Moderator’s Note: OP clarified that they have been accepted to ASU w/honors college.


It is indeed tough for CS. I wouldn’t worry about your two Bs. What other schools have you applied to?

Between being OOS and CS, the odds were against you from the start. You would have had to simply get lucky at that point to get an acceptance. Hopefully you have some good in state matches/targets/safeties lined up for the RD round.


I’m not surprised. If you did a chance me you’d have gotten these results - that maybe UMASS but not easy. It’s strong.

Lucky for you there’s still time to get in solid OOS programs and with merit. Let us know if you want some ideas.

Ps Ivys aren’t definitely your top CS and your odds are likely similar to your results thus far.

Who else is left that isn’t Ivy/top 20?

Not trying to make your mood more sour. There’s still time to get in very solid schools. You won’t miss a beat at easier to get into schools. But you do need to regroup and act vs feel bad. You over reached. It’s ok - time to recover.

Good luck.


Sorry to hear of these results, I am sure it’s stressful.

What is your state flagship? You do need an affordable safety/highly likely school…what is that?

If you want to send more apps let us know and posters can help.


Do you have a safety strategy? Are you in California…if so, did you apply to Merced, any Cal States? Are you part of any kind of auto-admit or similar placement guarantee (I’m not super familiar with those but I know some states have them). If you don’t have a safety strategy in place, use this thread to solicit ideas for last minute applications. Like, in the next 24 hours since it’s almost Feb 1!

Otherwise you are in a waiting game…hard to know why you got unlucky in early rounds but you wouldn’t be the first. A great school could still pull through for you in a couple of months, but with CS and the current competitiveness at top schools, it very well might not, and you should know that it isn’t a reflection of your academic worth. It’s just numbers…too many qualified students for a limited number of spots. You did great in high school! Be proud of that.


OP is in CA and has applied to UCs, but I don’t know which ones.

EDIT to add: My mistake, OP didn’t specifically say they were in CA. I made an assumption because of how they spoke of the UCs.

GPA should be higher for OOS CS at the places that you picked. What national awards do you have?

What is your UC GPA? Which UCs did you apply to?

Here is a thread with some stats for UC CS admit rates: UC Computer Science admit rates

The top 3 UC computer science is highly unlikely for 3.81 UW. The competition is insane in the bay area. >80 National Merit Semifinalists, >50 valedictorians in my high school with 483 seniors. UMass/Purdue are good CS schools. Hope silvercrypt will get in.

I’m sorry you had such disappointing results. Unfortunately your list contains some of the strongest CS programs in the country, making them extremely l competitive. And more so for OOS applicants.

Aside from Ivies, UCs and other T20s, where else have you applied? and do you have any acceptances in hand already where you’d be happy to attend?


I hope they do as well. But they do need a plan.

What if they get in and it’s not affordable or don’t get in ?

There’s still plenty of fine and high merit schools accepting applications that are not that different from UCs or UMASS in totality - forget rankings - an Arizona or Bama or Mizzou or other big or smaller schools. There’s more. That’s just a sampling.

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Top tier UC computer science is quite difficult for 4.00 UW, as well!
I am hoping that the OP chose a wider range of UCs than just 3 of them.

I have applied to some of the Ivies, MIT, Caltech, Santa Clara, Case Western, Northeastern (thinking of switching from Regular to ED2), and Rice.

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Sure, I would love ideas for other solid OOS programs. I am thinking of applying to WPI (due Feb 15), but would appreciate any other suggestions.

  1. Can you afford Northeastern?

Maybe at Santa Clara you have a chance - maybe. Not sure how competitive their CS is. But the others are unlikely.

But what if you don’t? Why not add a true safety and with decent merit.

Frankly - many of the schools you can apply and get into are large flagships - similar to others you applied.

WPI - would be a match. It’s a unique school - unique academic calendar.

When I hear UMASS, UCs, UMD - I think Arizona, Alabama, Mizzou, Mississippi State, Arkansas, West Virginia, Michigan State, Nebraska…you can go through the gamut of schools out there…Iowa State, Missouri Science & Tech…just would have to check app dates - but there’s lots still avail.

What are your budget concerns if any? What other concerns - weather, Greek, etc.?

So many schools are still available and they’ll produce plenty of solid grads!!

Budget isn’t too much of a concern. I don’t have much other preferences in terms of weather. I’ve looked at WPI and really like the program, so what would you say my chances are for getting into WPI? I think I’m going to switch to ED2 Northeastern and apply to WPI as well as some of the other schools I mentioned. I also applied to all the UC’s but I’m not too excited about going to Riverside or Merced, but would love any of the other UC’s.

WPI is a target. NEU will still be tough. Why do you like NEU enough to go ED and do you know what it costs ?

Why not a U of AZ instead of the UCs? It’s a brand name. You’d get $20k in merit. And it’s a bonafide safety.

You can see what happens with the others. NEU is a big risk in that it’s well over $300k for four years. Are you willing to take that risk ? Or rather are your parents?

While you over reached you needn’t be desperate. Do you think employees really care if your degree is from UMASS or name your other flagship?

Get one that you like in the win column.

Good luck.

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What about cal poly SLO if you are in CA?