Concerned with EA Results for CS OOS

Likely a reach but also months past the app deadline.

Hm, ok. The problem is that I got waitlisted by UMass so Iā€™m not even sure if I will get off the waitlist there, despite my stats being higher than what they are looking for. What do you think my chances are of getting off the waitlist for UMass and being accepted in the regular round for UMich and Purdue? I completely agree with you that there is much of a difference between NEU and UMass in terms of getting software engineering jobs, but Iā€™m really not sure how high my chances are getting acceptances from my deferrals and getting off the waitlist at UMass.

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I did apply to Cal Poly SLO.

For the CS major, SLO projects 210 enrollment slots and estimates 6,784 apps.

Assuming yield is roughly 33% (no one knows for sure), then the estimated CS acceptance rate at SLO is in the area of 9-10%.


Did you apply to any CSUs besides CPSLO and SJSU?

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Are you thinking of switching to ED2 because you truly want to go to Northeastern above others on your list? Or because you are having a feeling of desperation right now?

I wouldnā€™t switch to ED2 if you actually like other schools better, or if the cost would be a burden. You may end up with acceptances from one or more of the schools you have already listed. Reaches are unpredictable.

I like the idea of WPI too. Lots of people love that school.

But you do need to find a school or two that is extremely likely (or auto admit with your stats) and that you would be happy to attend.


A waitlist is a rejection but itā€™s a hedge for the school in case they donā€™t have a high enough yield. So I donā€™t see your odds as strong.

UMASS and UMASS CS are two different admits - so you might have been ok if you applied to say - poli sci - but CS is different.

I think - sorry to say - you need to put your hopes down. You were turned down by UMASS - youā€™re not getting into Michigan ane especially Purdue - because RD is an impossibility there.

There is not going to be much difference from UMASS and the schools I mentioned - which is why Iā€™m mentioning them. You, not the school, is going to make your success. In CS, you have people without a CS degree - companies test you b4 hiring you. My nephew is at a large company in NYC - and has a poli sci degree from Arizona - but had to pass 5 tests to get in.

My son is at Alabama - he turned down Purdue + merit - and had 5 offers this Fall and at higher salaries than Purdue posted last year. Heā€™s in engineering but the point is youā€™re perhaps overstating the importance of the name. And if you are not in at schools like UMASS and UMD - while anything is possible - itā€™s sort of illogical to wonder about Michigan and MIT.

You overstretched - but itā€™s ok. I know you have hope and perhaps SCU comes throughā€¦but you need to set yourself up to ensure you have a place to go.

@tamagotchi just repeated what Iā€™m trying to get through to you - this is where Iā€™m trying to push you - as a just in case:

you do need to find a school or two that is extremely likely (or auto admit with your stats) and that you would be happy to attend.


Did you apply to Michigan EA (11/1) and were deferred to RD or did you apply RD with the deadline of 2/1? Did you apply to CS in LSA or CoE?

TBH, with Michigan instituting an ā€œadvanced selectionā€ process for CS (i.e., restricting or rationing CS), newly this admissions cycle, either a deferred EA or RD application for CS in all likelihood will be rejected.

Michigan EA acceptances, those who applied for the CS ā€œadvanced selectionā€ should be getting their acceptances, WLā€™s and rejections to CS within 10 days from last Fridayā€™s (1/27) EA release.

In theory, the CS major should be filled in this 1st round of ā€œadvanced selection.ā€ However, itā€™s within the realm of possibilities that depending on yield to this new CS major ā€œadvanced selectionā€ process, a few students from RD, assuming admission to the university, could be accepted.

Just to echo the excellent advice you are getting here, you should take a hard look at your list and ask the question what your absolute safety is. It is quite possible to get shut out this year (or any year). I have seen friends kids with stellar stats/package getting rejected from some of the schools in your list so far this year. From the list you posted above, I donā€™t see a safety. If you donā€™t have an absolute slam-dunk safety, maybe you should get one.

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Did you miss the CWRU and Santa Clara EA deadlines? Those are going to be hard gets in RD, as others have said you need to add a safety/highly likely or two.

No one here can estimate your chances because we canā€™t see your full app. What we do know is the odds of admission in the RD round are often low because of the large application numbers coupled with schools filling their institutional needs and shaping the class. If you donā€™t fit one of their institutional needs you likely wonā€™t be admitted.

WPI is a good idea if it appeals, but I would still add some safer schools.

ASU, Arizona, Iowa, Iowa State, Utah, UT Dallas are all safeties that are still taking apps and they are all very good for CS. If you apply to those schools today (the apps are easy), you will have some acceptances within the next two weeks.

You can still apply to Pitt, but thatā€™s a target at this point, but still worth a try.

If you want urban/private/smaller than state schools, look at DePaul and Daytonā€¦both RD apps due tmr, 2/1.


@Gumbymom has the deadline for applying to Cal Poly passed?

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Cal Poly SLOā€™s application deadline was November 30, 2022. OP stated they applied to SLO in one if the above posts but still a Reach school.

OP also stated they applied to all the UCā€™s so UC Merced is very possible although not a preferred choice or some of the other UCā€™s could come through with an acceptance. I agree it would be better to have a solid likely school they want to attend.


RPI just sent my son another email reminding him that their extended deadline is today, 1/31. Not a safety, but maybe of interest.

The following Cal states have extended deadlines for many majors including CS so it is simple to add them onto your CSU application:
Chico State: 2/15/2023
East Bay: 2/15/2023
San Francisco: 2/15/2023
San Marcos: 2/24/2023
Sonoma: 2/26/2023

Again, if you would prefer any of these campuses over UC Merced, then they are worth adding.


I donā€™t think we know where the OP is from, so just in case itā€™s relevant Iā€™ll throw out that Cal State East Bay does have auto admit for several Bay Area counties.

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Alternatively, perhaps OP can take a gap year and gain some work/research experience to enhance credentials. Then build a suitable and realistic list of schools to apply to, the following year.

I completely understand your point. I already have an acceptance to ASU with Honors College as well as a pretty good scholarship, so if nothing works out, I have that as an option.

I definitely will apply to WPI, but what would you say about my chances for UCā€™s like UCSC, UC Davis, UC Irvine, or UC San Diego? I know all the UCā€™s are very competitive, but I would love to go any of these schools especially since I have in-state tuition. I have a 4.52 Weighted gpa and a 4.13 capped weighted gpa, but Iā€™m not sure which GPA the UCā€™s places the most emphasis on. I would say my PIQā€™s were really good and my extracurriculars/activities had a lot of impact / leadership opportunities / CS research and I have several national awards.

Oh - you didnā€™t say that!!! ASU is a great option for CS, located in a great area for tech.

The chance will not come down to what I or anyone else says - but what the school says.

Why are you still looking for more if you already have a great one? Do you not like such as a big school? Then throw out the UCs too.

Do you think the name isnā€™t big enough - it is?

Why WPI in other words.

You have ASU baked. Thatā€™s not a fall back - thatā€™s an AWESOME admit. And Honors to boot which as you know is #1 in the country.



You started this thread by saying (emphasis added by me )ā€¦

My 2 cents: itā€™s not nice to take up peopleā€™s time on these forums by not providing an accurate and complete picture.

Please disregard my suggestion to consider a gap year. You already have a good option locked in.


The UCā€™s consider all 3 UC GPAā€™s. Based on the CS admit data I have compiled UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz are more likely than UC Davis, Irvine and San Diego. Both UCI and UCSD have below 10% admit rates for CS but both will consider an alternate major if listed.

Only time will tell.