Concerned with EA Results for CS OOS

Sounds like you already have a great safety lined up. One or more of your reaches may come through as well. Wait and see.

Admission for CS is extremely competitive at the UCs, but admission is holistic. You may be locked out of all of your preferred UCs, or you may gain admission to one or more. For the UCs there is nothing to do at this point other than wait and see.

You could add WPI or some other late application schools if you like them better than ASU.

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I think I would prefer going to a top 5 UC or WPI over ASU. What do you mean that I may be ā€œlocked out of all my preferred UCsā€?

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By ā€œlocked outā€ I just mean that you might not be admitted to any UCs you prefer. Or you may be admitted to one or more. With the very small numbers admitted for CS at these schools, it is not really predictable and it can go either way. For example UCB EECS is a very tough admit for all, but we knew a student from last year admitted to UCB EECS and denied at UCSC CS and several other UCs. And on the other hand, many excellent students are not admitted to any of their preferred UCs at all. All you can do at this point is wait and see.

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You do owe @DadOfJerseyGirl and all of us an answer on this one.

You had a great school all alongā€¦please be honest with people.

If you donā€™t like ASU - and thatā€™s ok - then why? Why is UCD or UCI any different than ASU ? Is ASU too big, too expensiveā€¦just not a name you respect.

Tell us why?

WPI is like no other school - itā€™s very unique. So if you like it, you might not like - UCs for example.


Sorry, I didnā€™t mean to not give a complete picture. I would prefer UCD or UCI over ASU, because I think that while ASU is a a great school, it might be too big and the UCā€™s are closer to home as well as the Bay Area and SoCal, which is the hub for many tech companies / startups.

I see - and WPI is just write down the street? Or any of the other ones you are hoping for - Umass, , etc.

How about UNR? Another tech hotbed. Itā€™s close.

Or Oregon State? Not really different than ASU and harder to get to but smaller.

Just speak the truth - if ASU is too big for you, we can go with that. But reading back the thread and at your surprise on not getting into a list of some of the top schools in the country, just be honest and say youā€™re looking for what you deem is a big name and you incorrectly assumed that you were a given.

I will say tho - if distance matters to you, a name/pedigree mean zero once you get on campus. You will have to live this life - four years, day after day after day.

So if distance is truly a barrier for you, then forget WPI, Umass (if you get in) and others - and focus on schools close to home - even if it means going to a community college for two years.

But I get the sense - just like you werenā€™t honest in your initial post about no acceptances - that youā€™re not being honest now - either with yourself or with us - iā€™m not sure.

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You are not alone. Many getting deferred and denied for EA this year in Comp Sci. Seems as though ā€˜protecting yieldā€™ is the culprit but Iā€™d wager more on Test Optional raising the number of overall applications. My S23 has applied to similar schools and is CompSci as well. He does have some safety acceptances, but like you is a little more focused on the more competitive programs. His safety schools are certainly strong programs, but arenā€™t the perfect fit for him for a few personal reasons. Not certain why some are giving you such a hard time about not initially mentioning Arizona, itā€™s kind of common knowledge most on CC are wondering about the secret formula to getting into the T25/T50/T100 type schools. Hang in there! The right opportunity will present itself. Work on loving the schools that love you back and remember you can always transfer!

Hang in there itā€™s rough for CS applicants. Many at our school who are NMF and presidential scholar nominees have been rejected at some of these top CS programs or deferred too. No one knows why - they are all great students. Even the 5.0 perfect gpas at our school is denied or deferred- you are not alone.


Closing. See OPā€™s updated thread