Concerns about George Washington University

That is very good news, thanks for this update!

My daughter was planning on GWU and we were set to move in this weekend. She decided to withdraw due to that the she did not have any of the classes that she registered for as a Freshman. The admissions staff were not helpful as they told her to “just get on waitlist and figure out first week of classes”. The admissions staff put her in a Sunday CPR class, Tuesday night class titled The History of German Literature and she was placed in a science lab. She received limited funding and zero support. She also wants to graduate in four years. Based on the lack of communication, limited class availability, and impersonal academic advisors, my daughter made a brave and difficult decision to withdraw from GWU. IF you love DC and politics this could be your school. My daughter is planning on a career in science with an eventual graduate degree and needs to get out of undergrad in 4 years or less.

I’m sorry to hear this but also wonder if you tried to discuss this with a top-level administrator before withdrawing. I would be surprised if, knowing of your intention to withdraw, they did not do more to accommodate you.

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Great point
I think that’s a wonderful point and if she was passionate about GWU, even after the issues , then talking with someone higher up. I did send an email after our meeting with the advisor and didn’t hear back. Maybe we weren’t a good fit for the school and that’s okay. Just putting this message out there because the money spent on education at GWU doesn’t match the actual service provided.


Honestly, there isn’t really a strong sense of community or school spirit. I will say though that DC is really fun, expensive, but fun. The city life made up for the lack of school spirit, in my experience. Foggy Bottom is in the center of DC, near the White House and World Bank, so you’re in the middle of all the action. I loved walking to the Starbucks near the World Bank because everything was so animated. GW has a lot of pre-law and pre-med students–a lot of the students here are focused on internships and getting into grad school. Then there’s a large group of students who don’t really know what they want to do. If you’re looking to do an MPH and already received a scholarship, I think GW is a good choice. The MPH program at GW is already pretty high-ranked itself. As for the faculty not being very willing or open to working with students, I completely disagree. GW is just like any other college that has a mix of good and bad professors. The mental health services on campus are alright. The food situation can be tough, but there’s a Trader Joes walking distance from campus (a bit cheaper than the Whole Foods). Overall, I wouldn’t say the culture is negative but it is competitive. Some people say the culture is negative because a lot of students want to use GW as a stepping stone. They want to get into a higher-ranked school especially Georgetown or one of the Ivy League schools. Some people also might think it’s negative because sometimes people only want to be your “friend” if you’re a good student. If you’re a bad student people sometimes look down on you. Though that’s to be expected at any competitive university, and there’s plenty of genuine and friendly people you inevitably meet who offset that.


This is disconcerting to hear. I hope you have been able to figure out a workable solution for your daughter.
My highschool freshman is a politics guy, so GWU is definitely on the list. DC is a great area for understanding politics and developing a network to further that kind of career. But I would also want the educational environment to be close to top notch.

My concern for GWU is safety within the city. My niece is at Georgetown and she said there have been abductions in the area for trafficking and they recently had an intruder with a knife in the shower of one of their dorm bathrooms. He was apprehended by campus police but then went missing by the time metro police got there. Makes me nervous for DC though my daughter loved it! I know there will always be something
just freaked me out :grimacing:

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Need to consider the opportunities of internship in DC and the job market especially for those in political science, public admin, public policy and international affairs. A scholarship is a scholarship. At $20,000 a year for four year, the present value is about $71K at a discount rate of 5%.

Is it true that GW is building a new food hall that will be ready for fall 2022?


“As part of ongoing efforts to enhance the student experience, the George Washington University will re-envision the dining experience,” In other words, elimination of on campus dining halls was a mistake.


Does anyone know if you are not accepted for fall if they ever offer Spring?

GW will have a brand new Freshman dorm, and 3 new dining halls on the Foggy Bottom campus for Fall of 2022


I hear a lot are unhappy with the pricing and meal plan options. Any current students/parents care to share?

we are also interested in GW and it does seem like they are making some changes to improve student life and add to the sense of community- new dorms, new dining halls. so it might be a very different experience starting in Fall 2022.

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When you are used to one thing, and the change is radical, one will not be happy. GW’s appeal to many was that there was no dining hall and that students have kitchens starting sophomore year. For others, they could not manage the “dining dollars” approach. Of course with everything else, the new way is more $ than the old way apparently

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Your student replying for fall 2022? We are waiting as applied RD.

no, she is for fall 2023.

Hey there! I’m a current GW student, and the issue with the new meal plan is that it is roughly $1,000 more, and we still have to pay for the high price of a kitchen, so we end up getting less bang for our buck. But they have listened and changed the meal plan options for all upperclassmen. I would also like to mention that once you get to school, you really don’t care about the meal plan or dorms; it’s really about the social scene and courses.


True, my daughter is very happy there , she is freshman .