Concerns about George Washington University

As long as we are talking about GW concerns - we went on the tour and there was a lot of effort made to say good things about the other campus. Seems to be like it would be very annoying to spend your freshman year a 15 min bus ride away from campus. Is this something I should be concerned with - is there a very good chance of getting placed there? Thanks!

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I am also curious. At first I thought it was the best of both worlds, but then realized it is typically MUCH longer than a 15 min commute, from what I can gather. That would make it a much more divergent experience between the two locations, but I would love to hear from students/parents about their actual experiences.

My D22 withdrew her application because of a big scholarship at Pitt, however, when she applied to GW, she also applied to the Womenā€™s Leadership Program and was very excited about it. When we did an unofficial tour, we did go to the Vern to see it. Itā€™s lovely, and truly looks like a small private college like it once was. Even though we liked the Vern, and she was excited about the Womenā€™s Leadership Program, that commute to the Vern was always a nagging issue for her and me. We knew if accepted to that program, sheā€™d need to schedule her classes around the shuttle, a nap, anything. Because being on campus for a whole day without being able to get back to your dorm efficiently COULD be a big deal for some kids. Mine needs a nap at some point in the late afternoon! It was always a concern when GW was being considered.

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most kids who get assigned to the Vern survive, and some enjoy it and stay sophomore year. the rooms are more spacious there. This fall the renovation of the main dorm on Foggy bottom should be complete which will likely give a fair chance to be there. Some kids, BTW prefer to return to the peacefulness of the Vern.


D22 also wonders about the Vern. We toured it when we visited and it definitely is sleepy, but in a really nice area. For her, the counterbalance is that she wants to be part of a smaller cohort as a way to build community and applied for the Politics and Values program ā€” all accepted live on the Vern. I think most other programs like Honors and Womens Leadership also reside at the Vern, so there are a lot of like-minded students who are serious about academics. I think it would be fine the first year, and does have dining halls, etc. Seems like a way for D22 to decompress. It will be something she considers if she is accepted.


We felt the same way and would have done a deeper dive if we got to that place in the process.

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I canā€™t imagine any new student enrolling at GW aims to live at Mt. Vernon, but many freshman end up doing just that.

I believe Mt. Vernon this year was entirely freshman. (A main freshman dorm in Foggy Bottom has been in renovations the last 2 years and reopens this fall.)

Soā€¦my S didnā€™t want to live there either. However, he was accepted into Honors which meant heā€™d be in West Hall which has not been bad at all! He has awesome roommates (they all chose to live together again next year). He has his own room and shares a suite area. Yes, taking the vex each morning isnā€™t what heā€™s prefer but he deals with it. After two years of pandemic living he is happy to be AT college, in a classroom, and not on zoom in his bedroom. So if that means he take a shuttle every day for 15 mins, he survives and does. Not a big deal. You learn to manage your time, make friends and maybe even text with your mom (or dad!) while On the vex.

I was one who in Fall 2019 (when we toured both FB and Mt. V campuses) also hoped that my S if he chose GW wouldnā€™t have to live on the Vern. Now I feel almost silly in hindsight to be that concerned. Covid hit and you quickly gain perspective.

Also, my S has had several classes held on Mt. Vernon campus (usually at least 2 each semester) so itā€™s also very convenient to wake up and walk across the beautiful green contained area to go to class in a few minutes.

And easy to make friends. FB parents who complain that their S or D hasnā€™t made friends yet are often those whose child lives in FB.

Just my experience, but wanted to share it to give some perspective.


Thanks for this. I also have had the impression that those kids who struggle socially are those adrift in FB as freshmen. Thatā€™s why getting into the Politics and Values group would be so important for her ā€” small group of 30 that take a class and live together. Fingers crossed!


Your post provides a great perspective for those concerned about being on the Vern. My son is a current freshman who is living on Foggy Bottom. Of course he loves the convenience of being on FB but he does need to catch the Vex at least 2-3 times a week to head to the Vern for classes so the need to take the Vex goes both ways. Keep in mind that most of the dorms around Foggy Bottom are very old and very urban (although the big newly remodeled Thurston Hall is reopening this Fall). Many of the older dorm buildings are small and last Fall experienced horrible mold issues and kids were getting sick and moving out. Itā€™s mostly been resolved and was really a factor of the buildings being closed up for so long with Covid. But it just goes to show that you need to be careful what you wish for. My son likes his roomates but it seems like they havenā€™t made a lot of other friends in the dorm. Itā€™s not like when I went to college and everyone propped their doors open and socialized in the halls. It sounds like the Vern is a bit more social which is so important freshman year. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s been awesome for my son being in FB and so close to everything but had he been at the Vern I think there could have been other advantages.


Hi all, I am following this discussion but have no idea about GWU dorm or campus issues. I know there are some issues with their dorms and dining plan but they are making changes and will be ready by this Fall.

I have D24 who is interested in this college. Is all this discussion still be valid for 2024 hgih school graduating students too?

Too early to tell. What one collegeā€™s issues are this year can be another oneā€™s next year. Your D24ā€™s focus right now should be course selection, ECā€™s, good part time job, good grades and test scores if theyā€™re using them - things like that.

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Does anyone know if Thurston Hall and its dining hall is still on track for completion in time for fall?

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all indications are that they should be.

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Just curious whether freshmen have a choice between living at Vern or Foggy Bottom housing? Is it random or does it depend on the school theyā€™ve been admitted to? Our DD has been admitted to the Columbian School of Arts & Science

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except for some honors and other programs that require living on the Vern, its done randomly , but you are allowed to rank.

GW is having a virtual session tomorrow for admitted students at 1:00pm on Zoom. The topic is housing and dining. It was in the email about the parent, guardian, & friends sessions.

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Iā€™ve registered for it. Thankfully the timing works well for us overseas

My DD is moderate right leaning. Sheā€™s trying to find a roommate on the group chat or Snapchat or something the admitted kids are on and would prefer to room with someone more center, which she hasnā€™t found. If anyoneā€™s DD is also right leaning or not into politics and looking for a roommate, please let me know.

Please donā€™t attack me lol. She just wants peace in her dorm room. I told her donā€™t taLk about politics and she said the group sheā€™s in is already talking about it and planning stuff and she seems to be odd man out.

no one here cares if youā€™re republican lol. however, if your D supports homophobic and racist views and politicians there is a problem. GW is home to politically active and gay students, so if sheā€™s going to struggle with that maybe this isnā€™t the place for her. i say this with all respect, of course. iā€™m just saying everyone literally everyone here talks about politics here, there is no avoiding itā€¦ we are literally 5 mins away from the white houseā€¦


A post was split to a new thread: Question about GW Campuses