Concerns about Getting into the College of Science and Engineering

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I just completed my first year at the University of Minnesota in CLA as a pre-med major. I want to transfer to CSE to study something in Engineering, however, my GPA is in question. First semester I got a 3.0 cumulative (2.83 Technical) in Chemistry I, Calculus I, etc which I consider to be very bad. Second semester I got it improved to 3.3 Technical taking the second parts of the required coursework. I know that the college looks at improvement along with technical GPA. I am wondering if anyone else has had experience transferring into CSE, if so, I would like to know how it went and what you would believe my chances are getting in. I want to do Aerospace Engineering or Chemical. Would my choice of major also be taken into consideration when applying? Thank you.
My cumulative is now 3.1 and Technical is 3.0 which I know are below the mark, I plan to improve greatly next semester.</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>A 3.2 technical would help. ChemE is more competitive than Aerospace.</p>

<p>When are you hoping to transfer?</p>

<p>I will send in my transfer forms in the spring to meet the 2014 fall admissions deadline because by then I will have completed all courses needed to be admitted into whatever major I choose to pursue. By then I will have my Tech GPA above a 3.2.</p>

<p>Oh, side note, Iā€™m also thinking Civil Engineering. I have friends who have taken the courses for that major and it seems really interesting. Would Civil be competitive like ChemE?</p>

<p>No, civil is much less competitive. Regardless, if you have >3.2 technical that should improve your chances. Use your next year to decide what major interests you more.</p>