Concerns about size of DePauw’s incoming freshman class
Has there been discussion about this among current students and alumni?
We visited the school last month with my son and he will probably apply, but this is a cause for some concern.

They seem to have had a racism issue on campus and if the “summer melt” holds at 13% as of last year that will be another’s issue that might go against them

It looks like they’re intentionally trying to keep it small for institutional purpose (allows for closing a dorm rather than Alf filling it, justifying cuts).

DePauw strategically was planning for declining enrollment as the number of high school seniors is decreasing and this was announced in February with layoffs and offers for early retirement. With this change I bet some were concerned about financial stability…but the university does appear to be financially stable. Costs have increased as there is a tuition increase of 2.9% and a newer requirement for proof of insurance (otherwise one needs to purchase the schools insurance policy). There was some surprise in the lower than targeted number of acceptances. I’ve calculated 89 students less than those that started Fall 2018 (after the summer melt). However, a new dorm is being constructed and my freshman son tells me there is a virtual video of the new dorm (I need to go look for this). There is also a dorm that will now be closed and torn down…which is a good thing. DePauw is hoping there is no to minimal summer melt.

Last year DePauw did appear on the NACAC college opening listing. The university is not on this list this year, so closing the dorm pools like it will neutralize some of the loss. However, 19 Indiana Universities are in this list. This makes me wonder if the high school class of 2019 in Indiana was small this year, as DePauw draws a large percentage of their students from Indiana.

My son had a very successful year at DePauw. He had some amazing professors and experienced that personal touch, he was invited to participate in writing up an essay for an application to obtain a grant for a research study and if accepted he will travel international next summer to perform research with a small select group of students and several faculty. This summer he will be traveling to Taiwan to participate in an Intensive Language Program for 59 days. He received a few grants from school for travel and books. I believe through his honor program and family sponsored grant. His professor approached him and recommended he take this program. He had several recommendations from his professor. I’d I say he is only a freshman.

My daughter will be starting fall 2019. She will participate in the Servicio de las Americas program, so will be on campus this summer and out in the community and also travel to Panama with at least a dozen selected incoming freshman.

My son didn’t experience or observe racism. He hangs out with a pretty diverse group of guys, ethnically and socially. He did have a few friends rush this Spring and sadly hasn’t seen much of them since. He went to a few frat parties, but it wasn’t his thing, He hangs out with academically serious students that have a routine of studying week days after dinner at a designated spot on campus. He did choose to live in a healthy living community, and I see the guys on his hall are almost all on the Dean’s list.