<p>So, it seems that you need a pretty good gpa to get a job after graduating with an engineering degree. In the engineering section, i've seen posts about people who regret going to a university that has prestige in engineering only to get a LOW gpa (2.6-2.8,ect), and they seriously regret going to a prestigous university.</p>
<p>How hard is it to get a 3.0+ in Computer Engineering at UCSD? </p>
<p>Because after reading these posts about people going to prestigious universities vs their party friends who graduate with a 3.8 and get better job offers, i'm kind of thinking maybe i should go to CSULB or some cal state and get a better job with a higher gpa.</p>
<p>Overall, it comes down to the question of how hard is it to get a 3.0 at least at UCSD in engineering. I am a computer engineering</p>
<p>I already sent in my SIR but i think i can repeal it if it really is damn hard to get a 3.0 or above at UCSD. UCSD is good for engineering, but the prestige can also mean a bad gpa and slim to none job offers</p>
<p>It seems that yeah grade curves are damn nasty and that only a specific number can get a A, or B, and the rest are screwed with C's , which kind of leaves them in the dead water of being teachers in the end</p>
<p>Eh i wonder if i should just go to cal state where, with my hard work and motivation + less competition, i can get a much higher GPA vs the possibility of HARd work and motiviation being rendered USELESS because of the intense competition.</p>
<p>Only saying this because it seems that quite a numb er of people on the enigneering forums regret going to a prestigious university only to be stuck with 0 job offers in the end (if u have LOWER than a 3.0 GPA)</p>
<p>Any engineer graduates of UCSD have experience bout getting jobs? What kind of GPA do most people have, and what kind of GPA do people at UCSD need in order to score a job after graduating?</p>