Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>Know we are praying for you on this horrible day.</p>

<p>-University of Notre Dame community</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>To offer condolences to Virginia Tech. We all stand by you even as you recover from this disatrous event. Let not such unwanted elements of society deter you from your goal. Our prayers and sorrows are with you and the affected families. </p>

<p>Gomez , University of Michigan , Ann Arbor.</p>

<p>Amen. </p>

<p>Gomez , University of Michigan.</p>

<p>My prays are with you. I cannot imagine the pain that these families are going through. My God help all of you.</p>

<p>Our thoughts are with you here as well.</p>

<p>Allen--University of California, Los Angeles.</p>

<p>Does anyone one from Tech have any names? I cannot reach my friend or her family, who's son was in the engineering building this morning. Please PM me if you do, DO NOT POST NAMES. My hands are trembling as I write this and pray.</p>

<p>To the families of those who were lost in a pursuit of heart and prayers go out to you. </p>

<p>Tracie, University of California</p>

<p>Our thoughts are here with you too</p>


<p>Dear Lord, hear our prayers....</p>

<p>My sincerest condolences </p>

<p>Purdue University</p>

<p>Family and loved ones expect expect their families to be safe, unfortuantely this is a recurring theme as of late. My condolences.</p>

<p>My condolences and prayers to all of you and your families.</p>

<p>Bog da gi prosti and neka blagoslavi vsichki ostanali.</p>

<p>I am a Bulgarian with a close Bulgarian friend attending VT. It felt natural to express my hopes and prayers in our native language.</p>

<p>We know so many of the students at VT! We are keeping you in our prayers!! God bless you all!!</p>

<p>God bless the school community, no one deserves this. Two seperate shootings, hours apart. Dear lord, dear lord.</p>

<p>Stay strong, everyone... always let those close to you know you love them.</p>

<p>-University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with the entire VT community. I have a nephew at VT and just wish I could hug him right now.</p>

<p>I'm so terribly sad to hear this. :(</p>

<p>Such unbelievably horrible news. Please, if we can help in any way, reach out to us.</p>