<p>For how many ordered pairs of positive integers (x, y) is 2x + 3y < 6.</p>
<p>A 1
B 2
C 3
D 5
E 7</p>
<p>I chose D) Five since:
(2,0), (1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (0,0) all plug in and work out evenly with the given equation. Book says answer is A) One though.</p>
<p>Based on the wording of the question, both x and y must be positive integers. 0 is neither positive nor negative.</p>
<p>So the only ordered pair that works is (1,1). Answer: A)</p>
<p>0 is neither positive nor negative</p>
<p>Two bros above beat me to it. Remember, 0 is even NOT odd, and it is neither positive nor negative.</p>
<p>Son of a gun, wow, this is embarrassing. Count on me to screw something so elementary up…</p>
<p>Thanks guys, appreciate it!</p>