Confirmation Letter?

<p>I sent in my application about a week ago, and I still haven't gotten any sort of confirmation. I already sent in the pre-application thing and the payment. When I go to check the status of my app, it says I need an app number, which I don't have because I didn't get a confermation postcard.</p>

<p>So, pretty much my question is how long does it take for it to arrive?</p>


<p>i sent in my pre-app in september, and they didn’t email me my aplicant ID / confirmation until last week. I wouldn’t worry about it, especially cause I’m sure they’re swamped right now.</p>

<p>They should send you a confirmation letter with a full hard copy of the Common Application. In addition, you should get an email saying “…you can check your application status online…” that will include your applicant ID number. I’m not sure which you would get first, but I know I got my common application and confirmation letter no more than 2 weeks after I submitted my pre-application data online. </p>

<p>If you mailed in your pre-app data, it may have gotten lost in the mail, or in WashU admissions office.</p>

<p>I’d call the admissions office or have your counselor call. They’re pretty helpful with any issues you have! ;)</p>

<p>Good luck!

<p>OK. what if you recently decided that u wanted to apply to Wash U? Meaning that I have just sent in the Pre Application. Deadline is less than a week! how am i supposed to do the supplements without my application ID/ confirmation letter??</p>

<p>WashU doesn’t have a supplement,
there is only the pre-app &the commonapp.</p>

<p>so you should be set!</p>

<p>ok- cool, very cool. i just wish that i have some sign that they actually got the pre-app. instead of having me guess and wonder whether or not i should be on the safe side and submit my pre-app again just to make sure… T.T</p>