Confirming Hispanic Status

<p>I am 50% Hispanic (from my mother's side), but I don't look very Hispanic (most people think I'm almost all White), and my last name is English.</p>

<p>Will this pose a problem when I begin to mark Hispanic on college applications and standarized tests, etc.? I'm afraid that the admissions committees will see my last name and assume I'm lying, or that the interviewer will see me and think I was lying as well.</p>

<p>no it's not a problem. If you identify yourself as being hispanic... then you are hispanic.</p>

<p>It's not a problem, adcoms understand that many people are of mixed heritage and that it's a 50:50 chance whether or not your last name reflects your Hispanic background. I've got mixed Hispanic & Asian kids, one looks 100% Asian, but that doesn't make her any less Hispanic than her sibling.</p>

<p>Hispanic people can be of any race, so there's not actually a Hispanic "look" (the look that you're probably thinking of is mixed White/Amerindian). Lots of Cuban-Americans, for instance, are White Hispanics. My friend's Indian-Guyanese ancestry is Asian Hispanic.</p>

<p>And yes, adcoms are accustomed to mixed-heritage people. Don't worry about it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the assurances.</p>

<p>How is race verified? I’m in a similar situation as the OP.</p>

<p>kiterunner, see the answers on the thread you started.</p>

<p>Thanks. I posted on here before I started my own thread. I understand now. :)</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. Your D or S counselor will verify anyway.
Good luck</p>