<p>So from what i've heard, colleges calculate GPA for all applicants using the A=4,B=3,C=2,D=1,F=0 scale. But do they only look at the final grade for a class? For example, my grades for math the past year were: 1st marking period=B, 2nd marking period= B, 3rd marking period=A, 4th marking period=A+. My final year-end grade for the class was an A. However, if you were to look at my grades by semester, I would have a B(because of the B's 1st and 2nd marking period) and an A(because of the the A and A+ the 3rd and 4th marking period). My question is, would a college look at me having as having a 3.5(average of the semester grades) for math or just a 4.0? Hope you understand my question,lol. Thanks!</p>
<p>Does your high school send out both semester grades on your transcript? My high school only sent my final grade.</p>
<p>It depends on what is put on your transcript. My school only calculates final averages in each class, and therefore only final grades are listed on transcripts.</p>
<p>well, my friends who went through the college apps process the past year said they only calc. final grade, so hopefully thats all they send!</p>