Confused about Physics requirements

<p>I am going to take the test this fall so I want to begin preparing over the summer. I have taken the AP Physics b exam and I was allowed to use a calculator and was also given a formula sheet that included the numerical values of constants. I am aware that I cannot use a calculator on the subject test but do I have to memorize the value of all of the constants such as G,g,c,e,h, etc... ? I have looked on the collegeboard website and there was no mention of whether or not constants should be memorized. I would really appreciate it if someone could clarify this for me.</p>


<p>I THINK you need to know hte most rudimentary of constants like g and c. However, if a problem calls for other constants, they will give the constant to you. It’s a good idea to know them anyways as your knowledge of the constants could lead to a quicker way of solving the problem. You should memorize your equations in their entirety though.</p>