Confused about submitting a foreign transcript (one year)

Greetings! I’m hoping someone can help with this issue, which is not addressed in most FAQs.

My family lived in France for my son’s sophomore year in high school so he attended a French high school for one year. When we returned, his US school translated his French grades into US grades so now all 4 years are reflected in a single transcript. His US guidance counselor says this is fine, he can just submit this single transcript to colleges. However, admission officials from some schools suggested he submit his French transcript. It’s not clear how to do this through the Common App. Also, would it look odd to send a separate French transcript for just one year, which is already reflected in his US transcript? Last, his French transcript includes some classes that are not on his US transcript because the US school system couldn’t find an equivalent. Thank you in advance for any advice.

The current school, which has the French transcript, can send. But it will need a translation as well if one does not already exist.

Not at all

Not an issue

Which tells you that those schools are set up to deal with a French transcript, and the fact that the grades were also reflected in his U.S. high school transcript.

But, yes, I would look up the “International Students” page at those colleges, to see what kind of translation requirements they mandate.

Thank you! I appreciate the quick responses. We will definitely figure out how to include my son’s French transcript.

I’m still wondering, when entering self-reporting grades, whether my son should enter his French grades (which are graded out of a maximum score of 20) or the way in which his US school system translated his grades as US-equivalent.

Also, I don’t think that his school in France will be able to upload his transcript through Common App. But, I gather that it might be OK for them to send a hard copy with a translation? I’m not sure how to offer guidance to the French school of how to navigate the various US platforms.

Yes. But most colleges don’t require this section to be filled out. But for those that do, use the 20- point grades.

Again - universities know not to expect foreign schools to navigate U.S. systems. If they are willing to use e-docs, then the better. But sending them to the college by mail should be just fine.

Here an example what to look for (it is not a college that your son would apply to, but the concept is the same):

And they’ll likely have a department/person dedicated to international students where you can clarify any concerns, e.g.,

Thank you very much! I think we can resolve any remaining issues.

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