confused about the oasis link-please help

<p>so i had the 3/25 update..
this morning i got a 3/28 update with a link that says:
"Click here to see status of specific documents, or to turn in missing items." which then takes me to some part of oasis to see any missing documents..
is that the coveted oasis link?
also.. i can log into the oasis if i go through the financial aid section of the website... but no financial aid awards are shown yet........
im excited...
i think i just got the link?? yeah??</p>

<p>has anybody been rejected with the link?</p>

<p>No one has been rejected at all. People with the link have typically gotten in a few days after the link shows up.</p>

so this is the link…

<p>gl nagooya ive been lurking here and reading your posts on the usc thread for a while… ha.
very helpful.
thanks good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you. :)</p>