<p>Ok I just got a Harvard book award, but wanted to apply to Yale. I was wondering since these schools are 2 big rivals, would it hurt my chances to list this award on my app?</p>
<p>Do a search on “book awards” and you’ll see that it’s just a nice honor by your HS. It’ll have no bearing on your Y application.</p>
<p>Yale knows that viable candidates for Y are also viable candidates for H.</p>
<p>I got the Harvard Book Award at my high school, and went to Yale. I got a bunch of book awards over the years in high school, and the Harvard book is the only one I still have 35 years later. It is, as they say (not really), the shizzle.</p>
<p>OMG. Yale has this thing. It is called EGO!! There is this other word/name that carrys EGO when it is pronounced, even when the speaker does not intend to relay the same feeling of pride. That name is HAhhhvad. I cannot pronounce it because my fellow 2013 bulldogs will kill me online.</p>
<p>Dear Typicalguy, please do not do that to Yale. You can do that for Princeton and the rest. Like Penn really lovs students who go to other schools to study, but Hahhvad and Yale do not see eye to eye.
Remember, there are many applicants…</p>
<p>^what are you talking about? As T26E4 and JHS said, it’s just a nice honor from your high school and of course you should list it in your app. bulldog is (trying) to be funny, I think.</p>
<p>Re post #4: Nonsense. The hostility towards Harvard that bullwhitebulldog describes does not exist on the Yale campus. </p>
<p>OP: By all means, list your Harvard Book Award in all your applications, including your application to Yale.</p>
<p>So what level of recognition should I put it as? Do ppl around the world get it or just ppl in my school?</p>
<p>Although students across the country are receiving similar awards, each award is strictly local. The Yale alumni organization in your city gave your high school’s administrators the book and asked them to select a worthy recipient. You are that recipient.</p>
<p>^^Oops. I meant to say Harvard alumni organization, not Yale.</p>