Confused about what career I want

<p>Lately, I have been pondering what career I want to have after exiting undergrad or grad school. The more I think about it the more confused I become. I want to live a comfortable life, nice house (nothing huge), nice car, and be able to travel at least once a year. I have wanted to go into medicine since I was little, but the more I read about the stress/financial situation you are placed in during medical school, residency, and after I am really starting to shy away from it. I also am interested in finance/business but it seems "iffy" as well when it comes to making the same salary as say an ob-gyn. But finance and medicine are not the only two areas im interested in. I also like communications/broadcasting and marketing. Does anybody have any input on this. Good careers that they know about or have had experience in. Anything about going into medicine? Any information would be welcomed.</p>

<p>do you want to help people or screw people?</p>

<p>Do you want volatility or stability?</p>

<p>Do you want mad money or a “satisfying” amount of money?</p>

<p>Do you like math,finance,sales,markets?</p>

<p>Yes I do like “math,finance,sales,markets?” and I would like a stable job. Im not really sure what “mad” money is, but I would like to make 120,000+. On helping people or screwing people doesn’t matter I kind of enjoy both <em>joke</em>.</p>

<p>If you don’t have a passion for medicine, it’s not a good choice.</p>

<p>What point are you at in school?</p>



<p>I think 95% of American would consider that “mad” money.</p>

a ‘modest’ 120k+
i love america.</p>

<p>I seriously wonder if these massive numbers are due to the parents of students at CC making crazy amounts of money, or if people just think that going to college automatically means you’ll be making six figures.</p>