<p>I have a similar issue. The Harvard application status website is telling me that I still have to send in my Math 2C scores, but they already have my Math level 2. They are the same thing, obviously…but how do I clarify that, so they stop telling me they already have all my scores?</p>
<p>math level 2c means you can use a calculator basically, you can use a calculator on both maths now, so it’s pretty useless. so, math 2 = math 2c, I believe. if I were you, I’d contact Harvard to see what’s up!</p>
<p>If I don’t mistake, math level 2 was the test you couldn’t use the calculator at. Now, I don’t think that it’s administered, it’s only math 2c I guess (calculator). So you were supposed to write 2c in you app.</p>