
<p>Does Brown superscore?</p>

<p>I emailed the admissions office today and this is what they said, “Admission candidates too often rely on the results of standardized tests as the measurement of ability and achievement. At Brown, these scores will be but one factor among many in our consideration of your application. We will consider the highest scores.”</p>

<p>So exactly, yes or no? They didn’t really answer if they would superscore or not. It was more like they’d take the highest composite?</p>

<p>I think not.</p>

<p>But as Brown says, scores are not the most important factor in the process of admission.</p>

<p>My friend who goes to Brown told me they do.</p>

<p>Oh dear god, if they don’t, I am so screwed!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure they do superscore . . . notice they said they “will consider the highest scores”, with an S. If they meant the highest in one sitting it would be the highest score, not the highest scores.</p>

<p>Then again, when it says they will “consider the highest scores” it doesn’t specify whom they are referring to, for a single applicant or for all the applicants, so it really is ambiguous. I’m overanalyzing this, I know. You should just email them back to clarify if it’s really important to you.</p>

<p>Email definitely implies that they superscore. </p>

<p>(It’s possible that they also consider your lower scores, just not as heavily.)</p>

<p>Brown DOES superscore the SAT.</p>

<p>Brown DOES NOT superscore the ACT.</p>