
<p>I don't know what field to go into. The time to decide is coming up...and I am not sure. Its LAW vs MEDICAL. Which should I pursue? I am taking all 3 sciences in high school, history, a second language, and all math needed. Anyone have any insight? Pros and cons of both?</p>

<p>it’s about what YOU have a passion for.
And why the heck between JUST law and medical? there’s hundreds of other fields out there, why are you restricted to two? And FYI, Law and Medicine have basically nothing academically in common.</p>

<p>If you are just going to commit to something important like law or medicine, don’t do it for the wrong reasons.</p>

<p>see, I love to help people…but I heard in medicine you are less social.
I like to debate, argue (in a good sense) and public speak, so I was thinking law.
That’s why I narrowed down the two things I love to do. I am an avid member of Red Cross,but also DECA ( club where you present cases). I like both…</p>

<p>if you’re still in high school, there’s no need to choose a career path yet… there’s college sophomores, juniors and even seniors that are unsure of what they want to do
If you’re not quite sure which field to choose, wait till college or this summer to volunteer and explore both careers (and even others as the post above mentions- ur not limited to just law and medicine!!) and see which one you see yourself doing for the rest of your life</p>

<p>i just read ur post-
i may be biased (cause im doin premed) but medicine has plenty of opportunity to converse (maybe not debate) through patient care and even health care administrative work</p>

<p>hey- maybe a attorney in the health care industry lol</p>

<p>i thought pre-med is basically just study study study by yourself all the time…
can you apply for law school after doing pre-med?</p>

<p>i dont know anything about law school,
but if u really want to go into it, i think all you have to do is take the LSAT
i dont think there are any prereqs. like medical school
so yea, you could start wil pre med and then switch, but y? if you wanna do law, dont bother taking the extra science courses unless u really want to</p>

<p>law school is tons of studying too. And don’t let those court room attorneys fool you. 70-90% of the work is behind the scenes paper work. only a small portion is actual court cases and even then, it will need hours/days of paper preparation to just get through a one-two hour court case.</p>

<p>here’s an idea:</p>

<p>try them both out through internships. Don’t just trust House or Law&Order because they only show you the exciting stuff.</p>

<p>would volunteering at the hospital and going to court trials give me a feel of what it’s like? Then I can make a decision…?</p>