Confusing info from HS guidance counselor re: early application.

<p>My DD GC has basically told me if she doesn't apply early she will ruin her chances of getting into Madison. The problem is she wants to repeat her ACT tests until the last possible moment in hopes to improve her score. She's got everything else going for her but standardized test are her downfall. Does it really make a difference when she applies? Should she guts it and see what happens?</p>

<p>My daughter had very similar stats to yours (I saw them on your Stanford thread) and did not apply to Madison early and was admitted. We moved her in yesterday! Quite of few of my daughter’s friends, while very bright kids, applied to Madison early and then were deferred. Most were admitted by April. My daughter submitted her application in December and was admitted in March. I doubt very much that your daughter’s chances are ruined if she doesn’t apply by November 1.</p>

<p>Thank! Great to hear from someone who made it to the other side!!</p>

<p>From the website:</p>


<p>The following deadlines are in effect for the 2013-2014 school year,
and pertain to both domestic and international applicants.</p>


<p>Deadline Decision
First Fall Notification November 1 End of January
Second Fall Notification February 1 End of March
Spring Term October 1 End of December</p>

<p>Transfer Students
Fall Term February 1 End of April
Spring Term October 1 End of December</p>


<p>All freshmen applicants receive equal consideration for admission whether they apply during the First or Second Notification Period. Applying during the First Notification Period allows students an opportunity to receive a decision sooner, but it will not increase the likelihood of acceptance. Applications complete by November 1 will be reviewed by the end of January, and those completed by February 1, will be reviewed by the end of March.</p>