Congratulations 2018 Bama grads!

and any others who see this.

I just wanted to offer congratulations and best wishes to all the Bama students who are graduating this weekend. I know some UA students on this board who started their journeys at the same time as my son and it would be lovely to hear how you all are doing.
DS will be graduating in August if all goes to plan. He decided to take an extra semester so that he didn’t overload his schedule as he is doing the accelerated masters program. He’ll take one UA graduate class in finance and an undergraduate literature class online at a CC in his home state to complete his studies. It’s exciting to see the finish line so close.
If you get a chance check in and give us an update with your future plans.
Roll Tide!

Thank you, @AlbionGirl, but my son won’t graduate until next May due to his co-op. Another year as everybody’s favorite pachyderm and to catch another season of Crimson Tide football! :slight_smile:

The internship thing doesn’t seem to have panned out for him this summer, but he’ll be doing research with a UA mechanical engineering professor and was recruited by another (his favorite UA professor) for a special elective he’s teaching next fall. So, all in all, things are good.

Congrats on all your son’s accomplishments too! Roll Tide!

Having all that co-op experience will be a huge asset when he is job hunting. Congrats.
I know my son would love to be around for another football season. He’s already looking wistfully at the schedule for next year LOL!

Yes, ds graduated on Sat and got to wear a red cap. So proud of him. I can’t believe how fast those 4 yrs flew by.

He will be attending grad school for theoretical physics. He is super excited for the next chpt in his life.

Wow, that’s outstanding. Best wishes for his future career, I expect he’ll be doing great things.

It seems like yesterday that we were moving DD into the dorm for Outdoor Action. I shed a lot of tears that day. It just doesn’t seem possible that 4 years have come and gone.
She graduated on Saturday evening. I can honestly say that Alabama has been wonderful for her! (Since I graduated from the “other school”, that is big praise.) She has decided to attend grad school for mechanical engineering. She will be coming home for the summer to intern where she worked last summer. In August, she will be going to school about 14 hours from home. I guess I will shed a few more tears… but I’m super proud of her!

UPDATE: As has been his history at UA, my son was the beneficiary of some last-minute shuffling and was indeed offered an internship for this summer. He starts on the 13th, and it’s commutable from Tuscaloosa, so he already has housing. And he got to sneak a quick, week-long visit home too on the cheapest flight he’s had in four years ($93 round-trip, nonstop)!

Congratulations to @kroplady and @Mom2aphysicsgeek for your children’s hard-earned success!

When people claim that choosing UA will limit a student’s future opportunities, I just roll my eyes. Four of my son’s good friends from freshman year graduated summa cum laude last weekend and are headed to grad/professional: Rice for a PhD in political science, TAMU for a DVM, UNC-Chapel Hill for a master’s in speech pathology, and Northwestern for a DPT.

Those poor, poor kids! :wink:

Happy Mother’s Day to all! :slight_smile:

^^ Totally agree with this. My son has a friend heading to New York to work at Barclays in investment banking, and another who has been accepted into Penn Law.

Congratulations to your daughter @kroplady you must be very proud of her.

I always seem to read about all the positive experiences at UA. Its really nice to see. My daughter will be a 2023 applicant. I would love to hear more about the great experiences and maybe any negatives of life at UA.

@daliaddd, I suggest reading through old posts. There’s been much discussion about pros and cons over the years; unfortunately, this forum isn’t nearly as active as it was at one time.