<p>you know we're all supa proud of ya!!!!!!</p>
<p>Yes we are! I can only hope I recover from my deferral and get accepted RD :D</p>
<p>Why are people obsessed with this guy? Did you guys know he said he really felt like he was going to get into Yale SCEA a couple months back? If that isn’t arrogant, I don’t know what is.</p>
<p>inevitably, we love him because he’s black
<p>His mirror image twin-sister princessbell was deferred, much to my dismay.</p>
<p>Eating food = awesomeness (both the action & the person )</p>
<p>let’s just make a thread for each individual person who got in while we’re at it…</p>
<p>You said something similar on a chance thread I made a while back… but I honestly don’t recall ever saying anything like that. So… sorry if I did?</p>
<p>^ and you did…so u were self-confident and definitely NOT arrogant. Congrats man!!</p>
<p>It’s just something that annoyed the hell out of me for the longest time, but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. I do appreciate that you’re willing to say sorry though. I’ll get off your back now…</p>