Congratulations... Welcome to the UM Family!

<p>Just checked the website. Big "Congratulations" screen and letter appeared. Son has been accepted. :)</p>

<p>We have not received an email or anything in the mail yet, but the letter states "Your official acceptance packet has been placed in the mail and should arrive soon."</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I just checked myUM and saw the same message! Wasn’t expecting a decision this early, but it was a pleasant surprise, nevertheless.</p>

<p>ur freshmen right. or transfer??</p>

<p>Freshman, regular decision, yes.</p>

<p>I saw the same thing. Congrats to all of us! :)</p>

<p>Ahhh, I haven’t gotten my decision yet.</p>

<p>I hope this is not a bad sign. But congrats to all of you!</p>

<p>I got accepted as a transfer March 7!! So soon, they haven’t even received my Sats yet… Do you think it was based solely on my essay??</p>

<p>wow, congrats everyone!!!
I was deferred, so does anyone know when I might find out?
Does everyone find out this week??</p>

<p>tennisgirl540, was you app being reviewed when you got accepted? cause i am a transfer too and my app hasnt been reviewed yet. i still see the documents i sent on MYUM, and no message like “your app is being reviewed…”
and ur stats please¡¡</p>

<p>daughter accepted! with Dickinson Scholarship!!!</p>

<p>i was just accepted with a Dickinson Scholarship also!! :]</p>

<p>Just got accepted with the Dickinson scholarship as well!</p>

<p>Does anyone besides me find it odd I received 25 k a year from st johns, and 14 k a year from Marquette but 0 from Miami?</p>

<p>It’s probably due to the fact that the other schools might’ve been less competitive.</p>

<p>Miami is a way better school than the other two…</p>

<p>I mean still, I thought I would have nagged SOME kind of scholarship. Don’t want to sound like a brat, I’m just trying to use common sense.</p>

<p>THis was sdfjsadofsdjfskdko;fsd</p>

<p>My son was also accepted with the Dickinson scholarship.</p>

<p>What is the Dickinson scholarship and how do you get it?</p>

<p>DoctaDunk, maybe if you posted some of your stats, we could figure out why you were snubbed for a scholarship…</p>