Congratulations! You're a Cane!

<p>Daughter just came home, logged in and.......SHE'S IN!!!!!
Now keeping our fingers crossed for good merit $$$.
Once again, congrats and good luck to all.</p>

<p>I GOT IN!!!! YEAH!!!! WOOT!!!</p>


<pre><code>Okay, now what?

<p>Pay your Enrollment Deposit</p>

<p>You have been admitted to the University of Miami. Please accept my warm welcome – and congratulations!</p>

<p>You and your family should be proud of the achievements and hard work that led to your acceptance. Our university takes most seriously the responsibility to admit students who not only have strong academic credentials, but who also bring special talents and skills to the quest for success in and out of the classroom.</p>

<p>This fall, you will join a select group of students who give as much to the educational enterprise at UM as they receive. You are now a Miami Hurricane, part of a vibrant, progressive university that is making its mark on the world. We will depend on you to help us make that mark – and to grow right along with us. Again, welcome to the University of Miami!</p>

<p>Best wishes,</p>

<p>Edward M. Gillis
Director of Admission</p>

<p>Okay, so my admissions statistics were the following, you ALL have a chance!</p>

<p>3.56 UW GPA (3.63 weighted - what appears on my transcript)
29 ACT</p>

<p>I'm so excited right now, this came as a shock! Alas, I need money!</p>

<p>A2-I am so happy for you, I know how much you wanted Miami. I'll keep my finger cro$$ed.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I didn't do any rec letters other than the required counselor rec. Just an EC list. I applied in September for a November deadline though, don't know if they took that into consideration, and I called the admissions office twice (one telling them to process my application, and another, well, I don't know).</p>

<p>So I log on and there isn't anything up yet. Just the normal My-UM interface, no congratulations etc. Is this bad news? The cyber version of the thin envelope?</p>

<p>Btw, stats= 3.3 uw, 1500 sat</p>

<p>still waiting and wishing</p>

<p>Hang in there Alan. Last year my S was in one of the last batches released on Feb 1st and it was good news.</p>

<p>i havent seen anything yet and im like freaking out</p>

<p>Yea I guess they release them in batches. I was probably the last person to submit an application who is considered EA. My application was complete probably Nov. 25. However, I had no power for 2 weeks after Hurricane Wilma, and my school was almost a month behind in sending out transcripts. I called and they said Im in the EA pool. Hopefully I get a decision eventually.</p>

<p>congratulations everyone that has gotten in so far! still praying..... lol</p>

<p>oh and if you did get in so far and you have a myspace you should def look up the university of miami class of 2010 group and joinnn</p>

<p>Congratz to all!</p>

<p>Honestly, I didn't know people wanted to attend the U that much...</p>

Yes there are many students who place U f Miami high on their list, especially EA applicants.</p>

<p>Wow....congrats to the new Canes! It seems just like yesterday that I was here with the exciting news of sons acceptance......</p>

<p>Enjoy the Cane WILL go by faster than you expect....</p>

<p>Best Wishes!</p>

<p>I know people are finding out online, but why does the FAQ on UMiami's website say that there is no way of finding out online and that it is only by mail? And when I called they said things only come in the mail, too.</p>

<p>People are using the portal that is meant to pay your deposit. The admissions letter in the mail directs you there, but kids are just checking to see if they can access it before their letter comes. If they can, they know they are in. The letter usually comes shortly after they are able to find out online.</p>

<p>Anyone get a letter in the mail yet?</p>

<p>No letter yet... I don't think it's coming until February.</p>

<p>im a cane!!! im 99% going.. im so excited.. miami is the best school on earth .. congrats to everyone that got in and good luck to everyone else.. did anyone who found out online get the letter in the mail yet??</p>

<p>I really like your user name.</p>

<p>i really like YOU</p>