Conn Coll RD 2025

Congratulations to all who made it, and good luck to those who were waitlisted. It was nice meeting you all.

I was rejected :slight_smile:


OMG Accepted!


Wow ! Accepted with the Deans Scholarship. I am pretty surprised.


D21 ACCEPTED… with Deans scholarship.


My son was waitlisted.

American/Hispanic International student
GPA 9.81/10 (all 10s last year)
legacy x2

Congratulations to all!

CONGRATULATIONS @jwmarks6260 :tada: :confetti_ball: :balloon:

My D21 also got Deans Scholarship. The scholarship was called out in her acceptance letter but not on the financial aid letter or worksheet… was this the same for you?


Yep same here.


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Daughter was accepted with the Trustee Scholarship! We are so happy and I have to admit pleasantly surprised too! We have not even had the chance to visit yet but daughter is so excited and wants to go check it out immediately! If any of you can share your impressions of the school would so appreciate it!


I just want to say that I am very impressed with you and your mentality going through this. You are wonderful, and know that college decisions do not reflect who you are (especially when you’re an international applicant)!


I visited and it was lovely. For me it seemed almost too pretty? Just got the sense that it was preppy (then again I am judging just based on the campus and vibes I got from it, since I went there during Covid). Regardless, it is a wonderful school!

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Class Rank: 1/ 280- public high school
GPA: 4.0UW/ 4.4W
SAT: 1520
5s on APs
Great ECs
Accepted to several other schools
She liked ConnColl. Confused.

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Could be yield protection. Conn is at that middle level of selectivity with they are concerned with yield and can afford to not admit qualified applicants. Dangerous combination.

Thanks @PerformingDude Preppy is not my daughter so kind of a negative but I imagine she can probably overlook that! In many ways a great fit… Good luck to your daughter! Is CT College a top choice for her?

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LOL…is there any school you didn’t get accepted to? LOL!!! Congrats on this one too. You are going to have some very tough decisions to make in the next few weeks.

My DS was just accepted to Conn with financial aid award that kind of took our breath away. He has liked Conn since he first learned about it, really really liked it after his visit to campus and meeting with faculty and now…well…I’m liking them an awful lot too!!! He will be taking his name off the waitlist for some of his other schools thanks to this exciting news today.


Ahahahah I don’t have a daughter (I’m the applicant) but thanks!! Again it was just the vibe I got and there weren’t even students on campus so I could be dead off!! Conn is definitely a solid on my list (not super high tho)! Congrats to your daughter again!!

Got waitlisted at Bowdoin, so not all!!

OMG CONGRATS to your son!!! That is super super exciting!!! Hope you both are celebrating! :tada::tada::tada:


Could be… ?

Oh, I’m sorry @PerformingDude ! You seem so mature I figured you were the parent! Well, thanks for the feedback and good luck to you, wonderful that you have some great choices! :grinning:

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Does anyone know the admissions statistics for Conn for Class of 2025? They don’t have it on their website yet and I couldn’t find it anywhere else…or at least how may applications they received…???