Conservative students at Denison

Are there any conservative students at Denison and if so are they treated with basic human kindness and respect, even if other students disagree with their views?

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Why not reach out to the College Republicans group and talk to a few students.

I can’t speak to Denison but my kid goes to a very “conservative” campus if you see the rankings and my daughter’s leans liberal.

You have to find politics. Normally they don’t find you. Most kids are apolitical.

I know someone who goes to American - and the mom says her son has no involvement in politics of any sort.

So it’s better for a Denison parent to speak, but I’m guessing it’s not an issue - and certainly you can have your student reach out to the College Republicans (who are political) to ask about their experience and the environment.

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Yes, and yes. The campus culture is about civil discourse. I can recall several examples from my student’s time on campus, plus Pres Weinberg and the administration sets the tone for respectful discourse – I’ve heard Pres Weinberg talk about how we need adults who can engage across difference, and that Denison’s culture supports that. Examples of respect for different views: (1) the day after the 2016 election, there was an open discussion at the flagpole in front of Slayter – the campus center. While students of color and Muslim students spoke about their fears, other students spoke about why they voted for Trump. The Trump voters were not shushed or silenced but listened to – in fact when a few students tried to talk over the Trump supporter and say that wasn’t the forum, other students “shushed them” so that the Trump supporters could speak. (2) Another event was that the plaintiff in the marriage equality case and a very conservative politician, I cannot recall who, were scheduled to speak on campus on back-to-back days. The student Democrat and Republican groups collaborated on the events, and there was respectful attendance by “the other side” at each event. No one was shushed, silenced, or booed off campus. Finally, my student had friends of all sorts of different political persuasions – it is not a “siloed” campus.