<p>I'm currently a freshman in Elementary/Special Education. I've already been visiting the elementary school we have on campus. I've always loved kids and I love the camp I've been working at for the past 5 years. For some reason I'm just not happy in the classroom. I feel uncomfortable and uncertain about teaching for the rest of my life.</p>
<p>I was thinking about changing my major to music management so I'd hopefully be working in the music industry somehow. The only problem is that I'm unsure about that too. I'm unsure because of the current state of the music industry as well as how difficult it would be to make a living. I have a feeling I'd really enjoy it though.</p>
<p>I don't know what to do and I'm so lost. I used to know what I wanted to do and it really feels awful not having a clear direction anymore.
What should I do?</p>