Considering of changing my major

<p>Im currently a sophomore majoring in Geography and Psychology. Both of these majors are not so great regarding finding work so Ive been thinking that it would be a good idea to switch Geography to a different major, one that raises my chances of getting a good high paying job. I want to know what are the best majors to choose that combine high entry pay and good job outlook. Don't say engineering and things like that, I go to liberal arts school. Also what the best business major in terms of job outlook and pay. Thanks</p>

<p>oh yea and a job where i would to travel is a big plus</p>

<p>Maybe international studies or computer science</p>

<p>Math, statistics, econ, comupter science</p>

<p>Ugh. What do you like? What are you good at?</p>

<p>It’s really not hard to just go and google what undergrad degrees have the highest starting pay. Seriously, do your own homework… that information is easily available. But if you’re crap at math, statistics isn’t going to work. If you’re barely computer literate, computer science isn’t a good choice. And some majors aren’t easy to pick up midway through sophomore year while still expecting to graduate on time, so a lot depends on how flexible those departments are at your school.</p>

<p>what am asking is which major would guarantee me a job after graduation. I’m going to be in a lot of debt and I need to have a job after words.</p>

<p>What can you do with math, besides a math teacher?</p>


<p>There are no guarantees in life.</p>

<p>Do some research via google and your interests, then come back with an informed question so we can actually help you instead of expecting us to do your research for you!</p>