Considering transferring to Binghamton but unsure


I am currently a sophomore at SUNY-ESF, and have been unhappy on and off since I got here in the fall of 2017. Recently I have been considering transferring to Binghamton University, I applied a month ago and have yet to hear back but I assume I will get in, my grades are pretty good. However I am just unsure whether or not I would be making the right decision by transferring. My main problems with ESF are mainly social rather than academic, I think the academics are adequate although I am sure they would be slightly superior at Binghamton. ESF is a really small school and I find it hard to fit in with the people here. There is also a lack of a community feeling on campus and a lack of events that would make me feel like I am part of a community. I have switched my major since I got here hoping that would help, but really it has not. I just don’t feel motivated to do my best and wonder if a change of campus environment would help fix that. I know it won’t solve all my problems.

My concerns with transferring are that I don’t know if I would be able to make friends. I am rather introverted but consider myself a friendly person. I just worry that since most people will have friend groups that are already set, I would not be able to find friends. I also fear that I would have missed out on what I consider the two most important years socially for college, since I did not have the traditional college experience at ESF.

Basically I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice on whether or not it seems like I have a valid reason to transfer, and if they have any tips on how to make the process a little easier. If anyone had experience with transferring to binghamton specifically that would be extremely useful.

Thank you.

@bm1999 A lot of factors to weigh in. Cost? Assuming you aren’t going to be losing merit money and are probably in-state?

If socially things haven’t worked out … I wouldn’t worry about transferring in and having a hard time finding friends since it sounds like you may be in a “no where to go but up” situation? My DD just accepted Binghamton (freshman this coming Fall), and she would describe herself exactly like you: " I am rather introverted but consider myself a friendly person". She’s planning to major in Env Science, and minor in Asian Studies (or double major).

One reason she picked Binghamton over smaller schools is the large amount of options, residence hall themes, and clubs. Since she is an introvert, I told her one approach to being more social is joining clubs of like minded kids - and Binghamton has many.