Consolidated January Math Answers.

<p>Credits to blah123 for the idea.</p>

<p>You've got questions...
Not responsible for wrong answers though :) - the list is based on the majority opinion.</p>

<p>Addtions/corrections are welcome.</p>

<p>[ul]xy=21....... (x+y)^2=... [/ul]
[ul]4 or more....... inscribed rectangles[/ul]
<a href="d%5E2">list</a>h....... smallest box[/list]
[ul]9........ trifactors[/ul]
[ul]4k/3.......... 2^(n+2)[/ul]
[ul]6.......... clothing combos[/ul]
[ul]135.......... x and y angles[/ul]
[ul]60.......... pie chart[/ul]
[ul]10.......... Venn diagram[/ul]
[ul]52.......... boundary squares[/ul]
[ul]40.......... phone call[/ul]
[ul]1.6 or 8/5............ 10 kk squares[/ul]
[ul]5.......... perpendicular lines[/ul]</p>

<p>32...CD cases </p>

<p>1750...difference in profits year 1 and 2 for 3 stores</p>

<p>are these the hard/disputed ones or the ones you remember?</p>

<p>What was the 60 piechart one? I think I got 48 for that one...I am probably wrong, or thinking of a different question. Was it the one about the hotel price being split between 3 people?</p>

<p>there was one on finding the coordinates
reflection problems

<p>don't know if it was the equating section</p>

<p>hotel price 192</p>

<p>what was the one on like a graph of sin, and it asked for the reflection in the x-axis? i chose the first answer. </p>

<p>venn diagrams are so retarded...</p>

<p>192 for hotel price???? WHAT?!?! What was his original budget? Something like 200 or 240 right? and 20 or 30 percent of it was for the hotel. Then multipy that by 3 in order to get the cost for the entire hotel cost?</p>

<p>agree with solsek</p>

<p>I got 48 which was either B or C. Not sure if we are talking about the same question as the original poster.</p>

<p>hmm wait i think 192 is another question.</p>

<p>wat were the choices for hotel price??</p>

<p>Anyone remember the questinon about</p>


<p>6Triangle - 5Triange</p>


<p>is equal to what?</p>

<p>Then the answers were like</p>

<p>A. 2Triangle - 1Triangle
B. 3Triangle - 2Triangle
C. 4Triangle - 3Triangle
D. 5Triangle - 4Triangle
E. 6Triangle - 5Triangle</p>

<p>Answer to this one?</p>


<p>I am not exactly sure for the hotel one...his budget was either 200 or 240 (maybe 220 LOL). His hotel consisted of 20 or 30% of his total money spent. The FULL hotel price was split between 3 people, what is the cost of the hotel price?</p>

<p>STLFan2003 --</p>

<p>they are extracted from ~~~~January SAT Official Math Discussion~~~~
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>the triangle one was b, im pretty sure</p>

<p>yeah b. for that</p>

<p>How did you solve this one? I missed this one or left it blank...not sure.</p>

<p>i plugged 6 in, plugged 5 in, and then subtracted the two and got a number. i then tried each answer choice until it worked.</p>

<p>solsek - your right, piechart is about hotel cost, but I don't remember numbers in it and my answer :(</p>

<p>for xTri answers were mTri + nTri, and B is 11 which is right</p>

<p>[ul]60.......... pie chart THIS ANSWER SHOULD BE REMOVED! PENDING. [/ul]</p>

<p>[ul]B. 3Triangle + 2Triangle.............. 6Triangle - 5Triangle[/ul]
copy from Wendyling:
[ul]32.............. CD cases[/ul]
[ul]1750............. difference in profits year 1 and 2 for 3 stores[/ul]</p>

<p>I believe for the hotel one it was around 192. or something like that. you don't multiply by three because you're dividing it with 3 other people, you multiply it by 4. because you have to include the guy within the group that he is dividing with. like if I was dividing a 200$ hotel room with 3 other people, everyone would pay 50$ each cause there are 4 of us total.
does that make sense? that's how I saw it.</p>