Consolidated List for SOPHOMORES -- Math, Science and DEBATE Camps :D

<p>Those with a * are the ones I've heard a "relatively prestigious" </p>

<p>But my sense of ... prestigiousness sucks, so please tell me which other * to add!!</p>

<p>-- SOPHOMORE-ELIGIBLE CAMPS (though not restricted to sophomores) LISTED ONLY -- </p>


<p>And yes, I know debate is random. But surely there are enthusiastic debaters out there? </p>

<p>Another note with debate: I've only listed the camps that offer public forum, but for those w/ "debate camp experience" -- would going to policy debate camps, LD, etc, be just as beneficial if you know you'll primarily be competing in public forum?</p>

<p>Debate Camp</p>

<p>Dartmouth Debate Workshop for Sophomores and Juniors June 18 to July 9, 2008.
Dartmouth</a> Forensic Union - Dartmouth Debate Workshop</p>



<p>Michigan Classic Debate July 5 - Aug 8 2009
MNDI = June 21st – July 11th </p>

<p>U</a> of M Debate - Navigation System</p>

<p>Stanford Debate Institute Aug 7 – 13 public forum</p>

<p>Brochure: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Kentucky Institute June 27 - July 11 – public forum. </p>

<p>University</a> of Kentucky | Intercollegiate Debate Program, The Chellgren Center</p>

<p>Northwestern – July 13 – Aug 9</p>

<p>Brochure</a> 2008</p>

<p>Science Internships --

<p>Drexel University College of Medicine – June 16 – August 8
High</a> School Summer Research Internship Program</p>

<p>NYU RSI – not updated though
Summer</a> Research Institute at Polytechnic Institute of NYU in Brooklyn, NY -</p>

<p>Michigan State RSI 21 June – 8 August 2009
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>University of MO June 8-July 17, 2009
Science</a> Education Programs: Students and Teachers As Research Scientists (STARS)</p>

<p>Feinstein Institute for Medical Research – Just for science fair projects Other</a> Academic Programs</p>

<p>UCSB Summer Program – very vague, undecided research topics
UCSB</a> Summer Research Mentorship Program</p>

<p>Summers of Discovery – Requires minimum of 8 weeks – will take whole summer
Summers</a> of Discovery</p>

<p>UC Davis Young Scholars Program – June 21-August 1, 2009
but too many field trips…

<p>Rockefeller Outreach Program – June 28 – Aug. 13 – will take entire summer.
[url=<a href=""&gt;]The&lt;/a> Rockefeller University - Summer High School Science Outreach Program (Science Outreach)](<a href=""&gt;;/p>

<p>SIMR (Stanford Institutes of Medical Research) June 15, 2009 - August 7, 2009.
Stanford</a> Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) - Stanford University School of Medicine</p>

<p>Baylor U HSSSRP May 31 - July 3
Baylor</a> University || Summer Science Research Program</p>

<p>Secondary School Training Program June 21 – Aug 1
The</a> University of Iowa Secondary Student Training Program</p>

<p>Math Camps</p>

<p>*Canada/USA MathCamp
How</a> to apply to Mathcamp</p>

<p>*Texas State University Honors Math Camp
Honors</a> Summer Math Camp : Texas Mathworks : Texas State University</p>

<p>*Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS)

<p>Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM)
[url=<a href=""&gt;]HCSSiM[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>*The Ross Program
[url=<a href=""&gt;]The&lt;/a> Ross Program: Course Description](<a href=""&gt;;/p>


<p>Stanford SUMAC
[url=<a href=""&gt;]SUMaC&lt;/a> 2009 Home Page](<a href=""&gt;;/p>

<p>I know I've added program dates for some, and not the others. I was originally interested in math camp for the summer, but not anymore, so didn't really "expand" my list there. </p>

<p>ENJOY. (Unless this list sucks?)</p>

<p>Pleeeease add onto the list! And definitely get rid of those where sophomores are NOT eligible.</p>

<p>by sophomore do u mean incoming sophomore or outgoing sophomore</p>

<p>SOPHOMORES RIGHT NOW – or rising juniors. </p>

<p>How can I edit? :(</p>

<p>the edit option only works for 15 min or smthng</p>

<p>yea that sucks … </p>

<p>oh well, RISING JUNIORS everyone,… CURRENT SOPHOMORES.</p>

<p>Please include COSMOS if you are a Californian resident - great math/science camp. A ton of my friends last year that were sophomores went there.</p>

<p>SIMR is officially a JUNIOR-SENIOR program (rawr, juniors…)</p>

<p>Which does bring up the fact that there are SO MANY opportunities open for juniors. And just one summer to do it in. Bleh.</p>

<p>Drexel University College of Medicine and NYU RSI summer program </p>

<p>OFFICIALLY not updated and assumed to be not offering summer programs for the year of 2009. </p>

<p>Bleh, I wish I can edit the list. </p>

<p>And it seems like Northwestern for debate is probably only to going to benefit policy debaters out there?</p>

<p>Um, there’s a 2.5 month program at Stanford and there’s a 1-2 week summer math/science camp called GEMS @ WPI. ( it’s near Boston,MA.). I have a really long list of programs, but yeah, not too many out there for us sophs, I’ll make sure to add on to the list.</p>

<p>SERIOUSLY, I wish I had known about SIMR earlier… :frowning: the app’s due in 3 days.</p>

<p>EDIT:SIMR is not for sophomores.</p>

<p>sorry for posting so much :)</p>

<p>I guess for us sophomores it’s just…research internships xD. But even then the chances of us being accepted are sliiiiim. </p>

<p>Best focus on SAT then? </p>

<p>Or something like taking honors courses through the summer? But I don’t want to take courses… ><</p>

<p>Yeah, I think I’ll just end up applying to brown, then maybe getting a research internship the summer before senior year. Plus, I wouldn’t want to apply for a research internship in fears of getting I think I’d rather do SAT prep…I forgot, the Stanford summer hs college seems like a really good program, but I have to take my SATs and mostly jrs and srs are applying, so they’re given top priority over the upperclassmen. Plus, their application feels a lot like a college app :/</p>

<p>Interesting…but shouldn’t juniors (at least seniors) have already taken their SATs? xD</p>

<p>SSP accepts sophomores :slight_smile:
I have a list from when I was a rising junior. I’ll post it if I can find it.</p>

<p>^ Cool </p>

<p>Which SSP? =P</p>

<p>Both Summer Science Program and Harvard’s Secondary School Program :wink: but I meant the first one. Though it doesn’t take many sophomores, it can’t hurt to apply.</p>

<p>Here’s the list of programs I considered as a rising junior:</p>

BUTI- Boston University Tanglewood Institute
Westminster Choir College </p>

Ross Program in Mathematics at Ohio State University
SUMaC- Stanford University Mathematics Camp
PROMYS at Boston University
HCSSiM- Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics
RYSPDM- Rutgers Young Scholars Program in Discrete Math

Summer Science Program (SSP)
HSHSP- High School Honors Science Program at Michigan State
Clark Institute at Texas Tech
YESS- Young Engineering and Science Scholars at Caltech</p>

TASS- Telluride Association of Sophomore Seminars
Victory Briefs
Stanford National Forensics Institute
National Debate Forum
National Symposium for Debate
UTexas National Institute for Forensics (also has LD)
Junior Statesmen of America Summer Programs and Symposiums</p>

<p>Creative Writing:
Sewanee Young Writer’s Conference at University of the South
Kenyon Review Young Writers’ Workshop
Iowa Young Writers’ Studio
Susquehanna University’s Advanced Writing Workshop
Bryn Mawr Creative Writing
Creative Writing Courses at Columbia’s Summer Program</p>

<p>Pre-College and Gifted Programs:
Harvard Secondary School Session
Brown Summer Session
CTY- Center for Talented Youth
TIP- Talent Identification Program
SIG- Summer Institute for the Gifted</p>

<p>Nice nice NICE~</p>

<p>For anyone interested in the Stanford Medical Program, the deadline has been extended to February 17th!</p>